7 adjectives to describe profiteers

At the top is a narrow circle of agrarian and industrial profiteers, often belonging to the aristocratic classes.

Finally, the widespread impression that the farmer is a bloated and unscrupulous profiteer has done much to disgust him with his station and employment in life.

It will be a task quite difficult enough to do even without the opposition of legal rights, haggling owners, and dexterous profiteers.

A good many of the more innocent profiteers are men whose sin is that they take an offer of two shillings rather than an offer of eighteenpence for what cost them one and a penny.

After this confession of an involuntary profiteer the tax was agreed to.

These patriotic profiteers throughout the country have falsely and with out any foundation whatever charged the I.W.W. with every crime on the statute books.

We resent the high estate, purchasable and purchased, of the cynical intriguer and the vulgar profiteer, of the tradesman in "big business," the cheap prophet and the pathetic progeny of "successful men" fast reverting to type.

7 adjectives to describe  profiteers