6 adjectives to describe refrigerators

The cold dishes may be packed in a small portable refrigerator.

Having manned our craft, we purchased a colossal refrigerator in which to put our Bass and Weak Fish, laid in a stock of cold provisionsamong other things a Cold Shoulderplenty of exhilarating beverages, and, with Buoyant Spirits, (every Man of us,) and plenty of ice on board, started on the slack of the Morning Tide.

Fluorescent lights cast a bluish glow over wooden booths, plastic covered stools, the grill, and a double doored refrigerator.

He felt a chilling darkness come over him, almost as if he had walked into an inky refrigerator.

He rode the city bus into Waikiki, the Filson bag on his lap, and rented a room for a week on Kuhio Avenuea concrete block room with a four foot lanai, a tiny refrigerator, and a hot plate.

The hold of the supply-ship mentioned at the head of this chapter was a vast refrigerator, but no ice was used except that produced mechanically by the power in the ship.

6 adjectives to describe  refrigerators