21 adjectives to describe sacraments

He then visited the Church of St. Sophia, already deserted by the orthodox, where with his attendants he partook of the holy sacrament according to the Latin form.

And so the broken bread and the poured out wine of this solemn sacrament should melt our hearts in the remembrance of the wonderful love of Christ to us, and should lead us to show our love to him by keeping his commandments.

As he stood with us there on that bleak upland, he seemed a pathetic, symbolic figure, lonely standard-bearer of the spirit in one of the dreary colonies of that indomitable church that carries her mystic sacraments even into the waste places and borders of the world.

That bread, broken and shared between us in that upper room, is to me an eternal sacrament.

Are my children to be left without mass or confessionthe sacraments which guard as well as savebecause he once loses his way in a mist, or mistakes a streak of foam in the brook for a dead man's face?

To address beings by their intimate first names, beings of the opposite sex especially, was a miniature sacrament; and the story of that premature audacity of Elsa with Lohengrin never failed to touch his sense of awe.

Christ hath by a miraculous sacrament given us

She is a mute, unconscious sacrament between the infinite reason and the finite, a path for the lightning that plays backward and forward between the soul of man and the soul of God.

Religion? said he, how can they respect it, when they see you, 'their betters,' fattening on church lands, neglecting sacraments,

'It learns from Jesus, also, that the way to enter the kingdom of Heaven is, not merely to hold a correct theology or to receive any outward sacraments, but to "be converted and become as little children"simple-hearted, loving, pure.

In our day such pictures are visited by tourists with red guide-books in their hands, who survey them in the intervals of careless conversation; but they were painted by the simple artist on his knees, weeping and praying as he worked, and the sight of them was accepted by like simple-hearted Christians as a perpetual sacrament of the eye, by which they received Christ into their souls.

Some view it as a civil contract, though not governed by the laws of other contracts; some view it as a religious ordinancea sacrament; some think it a relation to be regulated by the State, others by the Church, and still others think it should be left wholly to the individual.

I should have kissed you three timesonly three timeson your beautiful, strong, gentle lips, and each kiss would have been a separate sacrament, with a bond of its own.

For, Lady, thou dost know I ne'er did tire Of thy sweet sacraments and ritual; In morning meadows I have knelt to thee, In noontide woodlands hearkened hushedly Thy heart's warm beat in sacred slumbering, And in the spaces of the night heard ring Thy voice in answer to the spheral lay: Now 'neath thy throne my suppliant life I fling Send me a maiden meet for love, I pray!

Who is he that crieth out to Christ, that his inward blindness may be driven away by Christ as He is passing by, that is, as He is dispensing to us those temporal sacraments, whereby we are instructed to receive the things which are eternal?

She is a mute, unconscious sacrament between the infinite reason and the finite, a path for the lightning that plays backward and forward between the soul of man and the soul of God.

He held that the idealized marriage relationship was not merely the symbol, but the most effectual sacrament and instrument of that love; "yet the world," he complains, "goes on talking, writing, and preaching as if there were some essential contrariety between the two," the disproof of which "was the inspiring idea at the heart of my long poem (the 'Angel')."

" "Daughter, I say it with sorrow, but the great and the powerful find means even to set aside that venerable and holy sacrament.

Taking the "Angel of the House" as representing the earlier, and the "Odes" the later stage of the development which this theme received under his hands, it seems as though he passes from the idealization and apotheosis of married love to the conception of it as being in its highest form, not merely the richest symbol, but even the most efficacious sacrament of the mystical union between God and the soul.

That chivalry may be considered a great military confraternity as well as an eighth sacrament, will be conceded.

The whole system was of an almost sublime perfection and simplicity, and the formal Sacraments were both its goal and its type.

21 adjectives to describe  sacraments