28 adjectives to describe sentimentalist

O Gerald!" "Parting with them isn't losing them, you foolish sentimentalist," returned Gerald, gently unclasping Phebe's arms.

It was so smug, so utterly satisfactory to all romantic sentimentalists.

It is entirely too obviousto the old-fashioned sentimentalist, who is blind to the real facts in cases of separation.

Clare, the ignorant, muddle-headed sentimentalist; Jane, reacting against this, but on her part grabbing and exploiting.

Nature was not, of course, the gentle sentimentalist Graham was talking about, but one did get something out of close communion with her.

When she had finished talking with Miss Dunlap that hempen-haired sentimentalist was dabbing her eyes with her handkerchief and blowing her nose, assuring Miss Monon, at the same time, that she was a dear and that it was all right now that she knew the truth.

It would never have occurred to him, pleasant, harmless sentimentalist that he was, that John's second marriage might be a disturbing factor in his relation with Mary and that the question so cheerfully asked as an escape from the more serious matter that he had been talking about, struck straight into a ganglion of nerves.

"But, incorrigible sentimentalist," he went on, "tell meare you, English and moralist and believer in a good and righteous God as you are, are you really going to encourage this abominable adultery, this open, ruthless wrecking of a good man's home?

These precocious little sentimentalists wither away like blanched potato-plants in a cellar; and then comes some vigorous youth from his out-door work or play, and grasps the rudder of the age, as he grasped the oar, the bat, or the plough-handle.

His character, so eminently English, compact of courage, of originality, of imagination, and with something coarse in it as well, puts one in mind of Hamlet: not the melodramatic sentimentalist of the stage; but the real Hamlet, Horatio's Hamlet, who called his father's ghost old truepenny, who forged his uncle's signature, who fought Laertes, and ranted in a grave, and lugged the guts into the neighbour room.

The poet who became the favorite of moderate sentimentalists, in what were called "genteel" circles, was William Cowper.

It would never have occurred to him, pleasant, harmless sentimentalist that he was, that John's second marriage might be a disturbing factor in his relation with Mary and that the question so cheerfully asked as an escape from the more serious matter that he had been talking about, struck straight into a ganglion of nerves.

These precocious little sentimentalists wither away like blanched potato-plants in a cellar; and then comes some vigorous youth from his out-door work or play, and grasps the rudder of the age, as he grasped the oar, the bat, or the plough-handle.

"I daresay I am a raw sentimentalist, but I'm glad I'm not up to date," she said.

" KAFFIR MORALS Our search for true love in Africa has thus far resulted in failure, the alleged discoveries of a few sanguine sentimentalists having proved to be illusory.

One more of these exceptions, of which sly sentimentalists have made improper use, must be referred to here.

This splendid sentimentalist published his Reflections on the Revolution in France in November, 1790.

The author of Rule, Britannia praised many things,like commerce and industry and imperial power,that are not favored by the thorough sentimentalist.

Indeed, Blake was the ultimate sentimentalist of the century.

If Labour had got in then, it would have been a mob of uneducated and uninformed sentimentalists, led and used by a few trained politicians who knew the tricks of the trade.

The interference in purely military affairs of unpractical sentimentalists was strongly discouraged at Westminster.

[Sidenote: Gracchus not a weak sentimentalist.]

Oh, ye sentimentalists of the Rousseau schoolfor some such still remainwitness what I have witnessed, and do witness daily, and you will soon cease to envy and praise the life of the savages.

The robber would brag, and we should blush; in other words, the robber and we are alike sentimentalists.

He was speaking of schoolboys whose ignorance is bliss; but the general tenor of his mind allows us to surmise that he also smiled pityingly upon some of the aspirations of the youthful sentimentalists.

28 adjectives to describe  sentimentalist