12 adverbs to describe how to ransoms

The speaker was Dolly Ransom, a black-haired, mischievous Wood Gatherer of the Camp Fire Girls, a member of the Manasquan Camp Fire, the Guardian of which was Miss Eleanor Mercer, or Wanaka, as she was known in the ceremonial camp fires that were held each month.

The princess was in ecstasies when she heard that her favourite was alive, and might so cheaply be ransomed.

Sir Robert de Beaumanoir and his comrades, who remained alive, took them and carried them off to Castle Josselin as their prisoners; and then admitted them to ransom courteously when they were all cured, for there was none that was not grievously wounded, French as well as English.

" "Yes, yes! partiality of friendship!" said Ransom, excitedly; and turning to Bart, "he is a Case, as you see; but if a man should go into Court with such a Case, he would be non-suited; he isn't even prima facie.

I was much pleased, however, to hear Jerry express the opinion, that the Comanches would gladly ransom them, and that the only obstacle in the way would be the difficulty in communicating with the band who made the capture; for it seemed probable that they belonged in that, then, almost inaccessible portion of the state, known as the "Pan-handle.

"We have caught more than a dozen head, and they have ransomed themselves handsomely," cried Major von Fritsch.

When captured by their master's enemies however, they were likely to be sent to the coast, for they were seldom ransomed.

But was subsequently ransomed for a large sum.

Case had acquitted himself well, and Ransom tolerably.

" In a letter of March 23, to William L. Ransom, Esq., of Litchfield, Connecticut, he, perhaps unconsciously, enunciates one of the fundamental beliefs of that great president whom he so bitterly opposed: "I hardly know how to comply with your request to have a 'short, pithy, Democratic sentiment.'

How much better it would have been to be sold to masters once and for all than to ransom ourselves annually and possess empty names of freedom!

"Voluntary humbling of European nations, always ready to pander to Moorish rapacity, even without reaping any advantage for it; and who submit themselves to be uselessly ransomed.

12 adverbs to describe how to  ransoms  - Adverbs for  ransoms