39 adverbs to describe how to smarting

"Johnnie, you're mighty smart about some things; cain't you see that a cotton mill is bound to either kill or cripple a child?

Et, that is Bert's wife, is real smart, and they have two hired girls, besides their own two girls, and they get in a woman to wash besides.

And the people around Carson would be apt to tell any one inquiring about Max and his cronies that they had actually done several exceedingly smart things, and were boys far above the average.

The weather held cold, the snow remained as dry as sand, so they made slow progress, and the husband had ample time to meditate upon his wrongs, but the more he considered them the less acutely they smarted him and the gentler became his thoughts of Lois.

She was awfully smart, and had the thinnest boots on.

The remnant of the cadets who had escaped the general massacre was there, a wonderfully smart set of beautiful boys, who at a distance, looking at their faces only, I took for girls, much to the disgust of the colonel in charge.

Both of them wore smoked glasses, but even with these their eyes continually smarted.

Sanchez is too damn smart fer thet.

The latter was so thoroughly dumbfounded that a decently-smart boy could have blown him over without any apparent effort.

Paul was a great man, a dreffle smart scholar, but he was raised in the city, I guess, an' when I go from the gospils into Paul's writin's it 's like goin' from the woods an' hills an' streams o' Francony into the streets of a big city like Concord or Manch'ster.

dat I sets a heap by all er my han's w'at is hones' en smart.

At the same time, my hand smarted badly, and I was full of a nervous, dull rage against those Things.

"I would not put the exceptionally smart girl from a very poor family into college, unless she is a genius; and a genius should wait some years to prove her genius.

And in the middle of this pother he continued to offer lucid and surprising explanations to deafened ears until his superior officer, excessively smart and looking like a cross between a cavalryman and a yachtsman, arrived on the scene swinging a cane.

Some of them, he tells me, are extraordinarily smart.

That gave me an idea, too, as did the frowsily-smart female garments.

dat he must hab just de smartest, good-looking niggars dat could be scared up, for dar was one ob de richest men in Kentuck dat was willing to pay any price for dem; but dey must be made ob de right material, for he worked his niggars, and cut dem up so, dat he hab to get in a fresh supply ebery now and den.

His eyes were smarting hotly, and his head and breast ached with pressure that seemed to come from the inside and threatened to burst its way out.

Beside this, I have sprinkled myself with vinegar, fumigated my clothes, and rubbed my nose, inside and out, till it smarted so intolerably, I was obliged to desist, with balsam of sulphur.

420 To whom shall I my evill case complaine, Or tell the anguish of my inward smart, Sith none is left to remedie my paine, Or deignes to pitie a perplexed hart; But rather seekes my sorrow to augment 425 With fowle reproach, and cruell banishment?

" John pitied him; he had made a great fool of himself, and he was smarting for it keenly.

"I don't want a race on a foul," argued Betty pluckily, for her skinned elbow was smarting madly.

Nothing fanciful, nor tinselled, nor masonically smart characterises it.

" Agricola, thus ruled out, did a thing he did not fully understand; he rolled up the "Philippique Générale" and "The Insanity of Educating the Masses," and, with these in one hand and his staff in the other, set out for Frowenfeld's, not merely smarting but trembling under the humiliation of having been sent, for the first time in his life, to the rear as a non-combatant.

The tough girls, with their daring humor, their cigarettes, their easy manners, and their amazingly smart clothes, furnished a sort of spice to the affair.

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