6 adverbs to describe how to vetoes

The honest-minded governor of the state, recognizing its transparent character and far-reaching effects, promptly vetoed the measure.

"No," he vetoed decidedly.

Some of us, looking at the threatening aspect of the weather, have suggested that we too should make for shelter; but this suggestion is indignantly vetoed by Mr. Parker.

I expected some exclamation from her part, some emotion, and lastly a "veto."

This I peremptorily vetoed, determined if the woman had any connection, honest or otherwise, with the mystery, to ferret it out.

The original German plan was to carry the Railway through Armenia from Angora to Kharput, but Russia not unnaturally vetoed the construction, so near her Caucasian frontiers, of a line which, by the nature of the Turco-German understanding, must primarily serve strategic ends, and the track was therefore deflected to the south-east.

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