78 adverbs to describe how to way

"Now for the cabinet," he said, and led the way back upstairs.

" "On the same spot?" "As nearly as I can tell." "And killed in the same way?" "Killed in precisely the same way.

"Let's take a look at the basement," he said, and led the way downstairs with a readiness which told me that he had been over the house before.

That letter, which she knew must come as a cruel blow to Walter, she had given to the postman with her own hands, and it was now on its way south.

20° W." Sometimes ships were directed to cross to the English coast from the south of Ireland, and to hug the English coast on their way north.

I'll bet it didn't register in any way whatsoever.

You'd see every cow in this stable turn its head, if he whistled in a certain way outside.

" He led the way inside, and the girl followed him to a dirty, cheerless room behind the shop which was furnished with a sofa-bedstead, a table, and a chair.

My plan was to travel by easy stages under escort, and encamp out at night; so, having secured the services of six men, who were well armed and mounted on horseback, and having furnished ourselves with a tent and other necessaries, which were carried by individuals of the party, we left Tallahassee, on our way inland, under a scorching sun.

After Parker and the cowboys were on their way east with the steers and before he returned to the ranch Old Heck went into the room in which Sabota lay.

In the rapidly increasing perspective the six horses of the tally-ho were suddenly multiplied into a troop; and where the station agent had stood on the platform there seemed to be a dozen gesticulating figures fading into indistinctness, as the fast train swept on its way eastward.

By the life of prayer, many mean merely a way of learning to make public petitions, an objective appeal to God.

The "Alley" of its unfortunate name is the slum in Kansas City where Dave, stranded on his way westward, met the girl to whom the laws of fiction were inevitably to join him.

The only way nowadays by which uniformity of type can be obtained is by somebody having authority drawing up a standard and scale of points for breeders to go by, and the Sporting Spaniel Society are to be commended for having done this for the breed under notice, the fruit of their action being already apparent in the larger and more uniform classes to be seen at shows.

The "ways" of the large simple-minded family, homely, yet kindly, so transformed Lady Mary's graceful old rooms that they no longer looked the same place.

Excuse my bluff soldierly ways; but nevertheless take your nose out of my hay-net, please.

Stately mien, and courtly way; Now it's deeply bowing, oh!

I see my mistress seeks as well as I To stay the strife of her perplexed mind: Full fain she would our secret company, If she the wished way thereof might find.

But if the "Pilgrim's" speed and consequently the way sailed over could no longer be estimated, it was easy to tell that the ship's headway was not diminishing.

The country for a long way west of town seemed a low, wet marsh or prairie.

This is the only way effectually to prevent indigestion, and bowel complaints, and the irritable condition of the nervous system, so common in infancy, and secure to the infant healthy nutrition, and consequent strength of constitution.

I tried ter l'arn him de arrer er his ways en make him go ter chu'ch en pra'r-meetin'; but it wa'n't no use.

He was vexed, and said, "She was never that way afore, no, never."

When "maintopsail haul!" was given through the trumpet, he pulled at this brace with such heartiness and good will, that he flattered himself he would gain the approval of the grim captain himself; but something happened to be in the way aloft, when the yards swung round, and a little confusion ensued.

He knew that, no matter how apparently insurmountable an opposition was, a way to overcome it might often be found by the man who exercises strong self-control and a trained brain.

78 adverbs to describe how to  way  - Adverbs for  way