16 Metaphors for comrade

His place of residence was Englewood Forest, near Carlisle; and his two comrades were Clym of the Clough

Sir, my comrade Peterday is a very remarkable man,most cobblers are.

When he's not cobbling, he's reading,when not reading, he's cobbling, or mending clocks, and watches, and, betwixt this and that, my comrade has picked up a power of information,though he lost his leg a doing of itin a gale of windoff the Cape of Good Hope, for my comrade was a sailor, sir.

Even Sedley's tortures were preferable to Peregrine's attentions, since the first were only the tyranny of a graceless boy, the other gave her an indescribable sense of strangeness from which these ordinary mundane comrades were a relief and protection.

My comrade of this day was a grave-digger.

'It gives me more pleasure to row them than any persons who ever hired us.' 'Ay, ay!' said his comrade, 'It was a lucky day when we first put an oar in the lake for them, heretics though they be.'

"Dave, old comrade," he said, "the sight of you in the forest is always a pleasure to the eye.

" "I thought so, and your comrade was Tayoga, the Onondaga who is not unknown to us, a great young warrior, I admit freely.

There comes a guest, thy lord's old comrade, here; And thou art all knitted eyebrows, scowls and head Bent, because somebody, forsooth, is dead! Come close!

Zébédé was not always with me now, and my closest comrade was Jean Buche, the son of a sledge-maker at Harberg, who had never eaten anything better than potatoes before he became a conscript.

"Is your comrade a watchman, like yourself?"

"Sir comrade, truly is not this your friend?

These comrades are witnesses; I can not deny it.

" "And, at evening | when his | comrades | dance be | -fore their | master's | door, Folding arms and | knitting | forehead, | stands he | silent | ever |-more.

In such sorrows as these a soldier learns how his regiment is his real home, how his comrades are the staunchest, the least obtrusive, and the sincerest of friends.

It, however, happened, that her comrade was a handsome young Fleming, and she fell passionately in love with him.

16 Metaphors for  comrade