16 Metaphors for potts

Mrs. Pott was that kind of woman.

"Miss POTTS, is your friendship for Miss PENDRAGON and her brother such, that their execution upon some Friday of next month would be a spectacle to which you could give no pleased attention?"

Potts the handy-man was a talker, too, and a good second.

" Pansy Potts was on her knees arranging the stones, many of which were jagged pieces of quartz shining here and there with mica scales, into a symmetrical pile, which somehow had the effect of a Pagan altar.

And one night Billy had me meet him up by the cemeteryhe came disguised in long black whiskersand he told me that Potts was James Carruthers, better known to the police of two continents as 'Smooth Jim,' wanted for robbing the post-office at Lima, Ohio.

Then he listened to his 'art, and in a puzzled way smelt at the bottle, which Jasper Potts was a-minding of, and wetted 'is finger and tasted it.

Mrs. Aurelia Potts was a leaven of yeast that fermented its social waters, erstwhile calm, not to say stagnant.

We gave letters setting forth that J. Rodney Potts was the ideal inhabitant of a city larger than our own.

"Mrs. Potts is a very alert and capable woman," I said at last, having decided that this would be the most suitable thing to say.

With any man in the world but Potts that plan would have been a stroke of genius.

Mrs. Potts was not a person that one should adopt a tone with except after long and prayerful deliberation.

Potts had been a necessary instrument in one of those complications which the gods devise among us human ephemera for their mild amusement on a day of ennui.

" "Potts is a cur.

Upon the City Hotel corner, day after day, he buttonholed voters and whispered to them with alcoholic fervor that Potts was a gentleman of character, "as blotchless as the driftin' snow."

And Potts was so far from clairvoyance that he laughed, awkwardly flattered; then anxiously: "Wish I was sure o' my passage money.

" "Miss POTTS is but a chicken, I'll admit," retorted Mrs. SKAMMERHORN; "but you're not such, CAROWTHERS, by many a good year.

16 Metaphors for  potts