10 Metaphors for so

"So's a thousand," said her husband.

He declares, for instance, "So-and-so is a child, you must make allowance for him."

"Is tha-a-at so-o-o?"

"Is tha-a-at so-o-o?"

It's little eneuch to be sure, but he's welcome to it, an' so's 'is father an' 'is mother an' 'is gardeen; an' that's what I tellit Muster Sharpman 'imsel'.

Jimmie's team's a peach, an' so's his sled; but Jim drives like alike a girl," finished Mr. Kelly scornfully, with the tone of one who disposes of that contestant effectively and finally.

Beets are a paying crop, and don't cost much To raise; so's cabbage, pumpkins, squash, and such; They'll always sell and bring you back your money No bees?

you're out of every dime, Bein' so ain't any crime; Tell the world you're feelin' prime Keep a-goin'!

On such occasions, and after it has been announced in the papers that "Mr. So-and-so was the bearer of an important communication" from one great person to another, it is his custom to show himself in his Clubs and in crowded haunts, so that he may enjoy the pleasure of being pointed out, digita prætereuntium, and of catching the whispers of those who nudge one another as they mention his name.

The lieutenant proceeds to the captain wherever he may be, and reports that it is twelve and that so-and-so is the latitude.

10 Metaphors for  so