15 Metaphors for touring

His late tour of the island was a triumphal procession, amid the sycophantic greetings of oppressors.

This tour was the most vexatious of any I had yet undertaken; many still refused to come forward to be examined, and some on the most frivolous pretences, so that I was disgusted, as I journeyed on, to find how little men were disposed to make sacrifices for so great a cause.

His "Tour to Italy" is a succession of asthmatic gasps and groans.

" That tour was verra gude for me.

McKenney's Tour to the Lakes is the dullest of books, yet faithful and quiet, and gives some facts not to be met with elsewhere.

As to the boy, how do you know that a tour may not be a very fine thing for him?

That second Moss and Thornton tour was a real turning point for me.

His tour of the Northern States was a triumph that caused him to entertain hopes which a man of more sobriety and common-sense would not have conceived.

His Southern tour was in 1767, his Northern in 1768, and his Eastern in 1770.

This tour was a grand success, and once more, for less than three months of work, Mac and I banked more than a hundred pounds apiece.

This tour was in many ways a preparation for Mary's future life.

Tours is the chief seat of the préfecture of the Indre-et-Loire, formerly the capital of the province of Touraine, and is built on a plain on the bank of the Loire.

Their shopping tour was a gay affair, because it was their last outing.

And I can tell ye that the Reverend Harry Lauder, M.P., Tour were no the last ones to reach those shelters!

It may involve considerable travelling and expense, but the touring abroad is both an education and a delight.

15 Metaphors for  touring