13 Words to use with mechanics

Mechanics liens In New Jersey.

Fortunately, there is not much to transport, the mechanic arts being in a very rudimentary condition.

Mechanics course no.530.1.

Applied mechanics dynamics.

The boys go to various mechanic trades, to counting-houses, attorney's offices, clerks to planting attorneys, and others become planters.

United States Armed Forces Institute examination in engineering mechanics-college level.

Physics, course I; mechanics textbook.

On the principles of this mechanic philosophy, our institutions can never be embodied, if I may use the expresssion, in persons; so as to create in us love, veneration, admiration, or attachment.

A great man does not wake up on some fine morning and say, 'I am full of life, I will go to sea and find an Antarctic continent: to-day I will square the circle: I will ransack botany and find a new food for man: I have a new architecture in my mind: I foresee a new mechanic power:' no, but he finds himself in the river of the thoughts and events, forced onward by the ideas and necessities of his contemporaries.

I am a stranger to the shapes and texture of the commonest trees, herbs, flowersnot from the circumstance of my being town-bornfor I should have brought the same inobservant spirit into the world with me, had I first seen it in "on Devon's leafy shores,"and am no less at a loss among purely town-objects, tools, engines, mechanic processes.

Content would have given anything to go and nurse him; but she, too, was stunned, and in the whirl of that great grief even Aunt 'Viny's demands were no more to her than a dull mechanic routine that she could hardly force her trembling steps to carry through.

KOTTCAMP, J.P.: Exercises for the applied mechanics laboratory.

I hope these new mechanic meteors will prove only playthings for the learned and the idle, and not be converted into new engines of destruction to the human race, as is so often the case of refinements or discoveries in science.

13 Words to use with  mechanics