28 Words to use with porte

"Betty, you sweet child, how we have missed you!" cried Mrs. Littell, standing on the lowest step under the porte-cochère as the car swept up the drive of Fairfields, as the Littell's home was called.

(Counting contents of porte-monnaie.)

As I entered the porte-cochere two poor wrecks of war were being led out by their nursesmore men burned in the powder explosion at Waelhem, their seared faces and hands covered with oil and cotton just as they had been lifted from bed.

But very soon the corporation became divided, no doubt from the force of circumstances; and on one side we find the distillers, and on the other the master-cooks and cooks, or porte-chapes, as they were called, because, when they carried on their business of cooking, they covered their dishes with a chape, that is, a cope or tin cover (Fig. 122), so as to keep them warm.

Il quitte les étriers pour causer plus à son aise, et laisse sa monture qui, trouvant la porte ouverte, pénètre toute seule dans la maison.

MONTHERLANT, HENRY DE. Deuxième Olympique: Les Onze devant la porte dorée.

Le volume est composé de deux parties, et porte pour titre, Advis directif (conseils de marche et de direction) pour faire le passage d'oultremer.

Strait is the gate (La porte étroite) translated from the French by Dorothy Bussy.

Mon porte-manteau et toi, avez-vous été bien reçus ici? DORANTE.

Ratbert, blême et la main crispée, Le voyant à genoux sur son ange dormant, Dit:Porte-glaive, il est ainsi commodément.

Tenez, Lisette, dites qu'on porte cette lettre à la poste.

La porte noire cède et s'entre-bâille.

On dirait que la porte A peur de remuer tout haut ses deux battants.

AUXILIAIRE, qui aide, porte secours.

""Raphael," says a little French work on painting, in my possession, speaking of unity of time, "A peché contre cette regle, dans son tableau d'Heliodore, ou il fait intervenir le Pape Jules 2 dans le Temple de Jerusalem porte sur les epaules, des Gonfalonniers."

Don Juan treats him with all imaginable courtesy, but every time he attempts to revert to business interrupts him with some such question as, Comment se porte Madame Dimanche? or Et votre petite fille Claudine comment se porte-t-ell? or Le petit Colin fait-il toujours bien du bruit avec son tambour?

Si vous portiez, dit le Gascon, tous vos habits sur vous, comme je porte tolls les miens, je vous assure que vous auriez toujours chaud."

La porte tout à coup s'ouvrit, bruyante et claire, Et fit dans la cabane entrer un rayon blanc; Et le pêcheur, traînant son filet ruisselant, Joyeux, parut au seuil, et dit:

Je me porte assez bien.

AMOUR, m., sentiment par lequel le coeur se porte vers ce qui lui plaît fortement.

Porte bien, vous remercy.

La porte bouge comme Si l'on entrait.

I am specially directed to call the attention of His Majesty's Government to the following passage in the note presented by M. Sérurier to the Secretary of State at Washington: "Les plaintes que porte Monsieur le Président centre le prétendu non-accomplissement des engagemens pris par le Gouvernement du

For the other tables the salt is placed on pieces of bread, scooped out for that purpose by the intendants, who are called porte-chappes.

Héloise told him directly that we were only up seeing the dentist, and seemed in a great hurry to get into the porte cocher; but he was not to be shaken off, and stopped talking to us for about five minutes.

28 Words to use with  porte