6 Words to use with projections

The luminous projection apparatus illustrated herewith, when adapted to a balance of precision, permits of effecting weighings very rapidly.

" They got up, and looking down the face of the cliff, saw, some eight feet below them, a projection half hidden by the branch of a tree, on which the scattered pieces of stick clearly showed the existence of a rude nest.

Did with a huge projection overbrow 1800.]

At one o'clock we were near a low sandy projection round which the coast extends to the East-North-East and forms a shallow bay.

CAPE HILLSBOROUGH is a projection terminating in a bluff point in latitude 20 degrees 53 minutes 40 seconds, and longitude 149 degrees 0 minutes 15 seconds: being high land, it may be seen seven or eight leagues off.

The land to the westward of this projection trends slightly in and forms a sandy bay fronted by a reef and some rocky islets.

6 Words to use with  projections