97 Words to use with telegraphing

I accordingly wrote out a long telegram informing him of my difficulty, and had it taken to the telegraph office for transmission; but the operator, instead of sending it at once as he should have done, showed it to General Bankhead, who tore it up, and instructed the operator not to pay any attention to what I might say, as he was running that post.

Note how truthfully it carries every word intrusted to its charge, along thousands of miles of the telegraph wire, with a speed, in comparison with which, sound is a laggard, a speed that annihilates alike space and time.

At this time there was no telegraph line between Fort Wallace and Fort Lyon, and therefore it was impossible for me to telegraph to General Carr, and I determined to send a dispatch direct to General Sheridan.

But my brother, being precise, judged it to a fraction of a telegraph pole.

"Go 'long'and another!" At length, just as the telegraph operator had received the welcome order, "A hundred up!"

- Very good message, if Comet happens to be at the telegraph station when it comes!

He studied lightning in an open steel network laboratory, with few results save a succession of rheumatic attacks, and an improved electric interrupter, since adopted by one of the great telegraph companies.

I would rather she were called Aspasia.' Edith read this expression of feeling on a colourless telegraph form, and as she was, at Knightsbridge, unable to hear the ironical tone of the message she took it literally.

As they turned to go upstairs a telegraph boy came in and handed his message to the landlord, who read it and handed it to Kelson.

She was at the telegraph instrument.

The telegraph posts along the track melted into the level waste, and behind the spot where they vanished the tops of a larger group of elevators cut the edge of the plain.

Instead of inducing a more prudent course, these disastrous results only served to feed the spirit of rivalry, and general insolvency seemed to threaten the permanent prosperity of the telegraph business, in consequence of the wild and reckless competition which appeared to be inherent in its nature.

The telegraph system is owned by the government, which charges a uniform rate of fifteen cents for ten words to any part of the country.

Considered as the first step in the rapprochement of this proud and selfish pair of beings, it was an altogether remarkable message, and was subsequently deposed to in evidence by a telegraph official; it ran: '"Return.

Telegraph messengers came rushing in with dispatches from all quartersfrom the universities of Michigan and California, and Yale and Harvard, and from Rochester and all over the United States.

I wanted to fight with my two handsto tear and rend, and have the consciousness that I flash back, like a telegraph message from my satiated hands to my eager brain that was spurring me on.

" At the station he learnt that this rumour was true; and one who was in the telegraph service gave him to understand that the Carlists had driven the outpost back from the mouth of the Valley of the Wolf, which was now cut off.

Brooke's method of sounding acquired a high commercial value, when the enterprise of laying down the telegraph-cable between this country and the United States was undertaken.

The boy was instantly reminded of certain experiences he himself had had in using a telegraph key while sending a message over the wires or listening to the sounder rattle off one from some distant point.

Meredith Corp. (PWH); 20Oct69; R470714. OSLIN, GEORGE P. Talking wires; the way of life in the telegraph industry.

He writes to his brother from Washington on December 30: "Telegraph matters look exceedingly encouraging, not only for the United States but for Europe.

I'll run over the telegraph news to get a subject for the day's cartoon, and then take to the woods.

At his instance a convention of telegraph men met in the city of New York, to consider the project.

It looked as if he were trying to make himself indispensable to the telegraph people in the little time that remained, so as to keep his job.

So I got some telegraph blanks and envelopes, and I have written messages from the show managers, twice a day.

97 Words to use with  telegraphing