10 Words to use with thigh

Year after year I walked its shores without discovering any other trace of humanity than the remains of an Indian camp-fire, and the thigh-bones of a deer that had been broken to get at the marrow.

Passing from that ward into the one adjoining, I came suddenly upon two nurses dressing a thigh stump, while the patient filled the air with half-suppressed shrieks and groans.

Arthur donned thigh pieces of steel, wrought strong and fairly by some cunning smith.

These thigh muscles also tend to pull the trunk forward, but in turn are balanced by the powerful muscles of the lower back, which help keep the body straight and braced.

His was a thigh wound.

All you have to do is to forget all the Greek and Latin and higher mathematics you ever knew, give your oath never to study again, and appear at chapel two consecutive mornings in thigh boots and a plaid ulster.

The thigh feathers are very downy, but are not long.

We are 'fraid for ride wit' dees maychine, meester!" Casey was nettled by the cackling and the thigh-slapping of the audience on the sidewalk.

In the surf the sharks lurked and coasted up and down, watching us as we waded in fishing for bass, if by chance we should give them an opportunity for a bite; the sharp, warning fin showing in the hollow green of the combing breaker ever and anon as we stood thigh-deep in the foam.

Turning to me he said: "If you had eight children down there, you would go to them, if you could!" We arranged that if he should be wounded so as to suffer a thigh amputation, he should let me know, that I might nurse him through.

10 Words to use with  thigh