63 Words to use with tickets

At five minutes past one she was at the ticket-office grating of a train-terminal that was more ornate than a rajah's dream.

"What time's the next train back to Ronleigh?" asked Jack, as he paid the money for their fare to the ticket-collector.

This is a place of amusement, and all connected with the show are expected to heal up sores, instead of causing bruises, and if you ever see an employee of this show treating a visitor unkindly, send him to the ticket wagon to get his wages, and tell him to go away quick, and stay away long.

The ticket agent us complete information.

"The women here have got up a Parliament, and are showing tonight," said the ticket-seller.

The sound of footsteps approaching the ticket window was heard.

Even the ticket holders had been warned that no seat would be held after eight o'clock.

Pa was holding his elk by a rope and one of the managers had a rope around the neck of a giraffe: the treasurer and the ticket taker was leading the zebras, and everybody was busy with some kind of animal, and I had a rope around an antelope, and some of our men on horseback were herding the buffaloes.

The contained ticket man, wonted to lost trains and perturbed faces, yet actually ceased counting when he saw her: "Lenny!

Reference to the counterfoil of the ticket-book showed that it had been deposited about the time of arrival of the Continental express on the twenty-third of November, so that its owner must have gone straight on to Eltham.

The young man interviewed two or three porters, the bookstall boy, and ticket clerk; all were agreed that Mr. Morton did not go up to London during the day; no one had seen him within the precincts of the station.

I chanced upon her as she was acting as ticket-puncher at the Yarmouth station.

The ticket booth was an improvised pharmacy.

"The head ticket counter," said he.

There's the ticket guy now.

When not occupied, the seat is folded up and locked to the back of the chair, until the person who holds the ticket corresponding to its number comes to take it; so that no other but the person holding the ticket corresponding to the number can take it, and you are thus never likely to be shoved out of your place, as you are at most of the theatres in Europe.

This publication gives condensed through time tables; through car service; a first-class map of the United States, west of Chicago and St. Louis; important baggage and ticket regulations of the Union Pacific Railway, thus making a valuable compendium for the traveler and for ticket agent in selling through tickets over the Union Pacific Railway.

The Ellison five and ten cents double indemnity accident ticket insurance policy.

The voices of the ticket speculator and of the merchant of "Offish'l Score Cards" were heard upon every side.

Of a sudden he ended the argument by thrusting the slip back into the hands of the jackal, growled a few words of imperative instruction, jerked his thumb toward the ticket bureau, and without more ado turned and strode from the terminus.

Here in Chicago this past fall two ties were played and, as a result, there was considerable confusion over the ticket arrangements.

"The ticket swindlers!" CHAPTER XVI RINGS OF FIRE Instantly Joe Strong lost interest in the "tramp fire-eater," as he afterward came to call the man.

And here it is essential I should make some observations with reference to the ticket system which is universally adopted in America.

"Well, you oughter, ef you's mean enough to wote dat ticket ter put me back inter slavery," was Aunt Linda's parting shot.

In the first place, all the small silver coins, the dimes, half dollars, and quarter dollars, disappeared at once, and the people were again forced to do as they had done in 1789, and use "ticket money."

63 Words to use with  tickets