17 collocations for boost

Film version of "The Snake pit" will boost better mental hospitals.

" "When it rained you hurried over to boost the price.

But this last business has boosted Dave Darrin unmistakably and solidly now into the post of leader of the class.

Now he finds him so far from being willing to pursue his own promising career, that he wishes to give up all thought of Paris and subordinate his genius to the task of boosting into fame the daughter of a poverty-stricken music-copyist!

Dan Dalzell devoted every ounce of his strength and every turn of his energy to boosting Darrin throughand Dave himself was not idle.

In short, let everybody boost good naturedly for everybody else.

" The salesman had been boosting the customer's old hat, which had become mixed among the many new ones.

Joe Wegg says he'll furnish you with what power you need free of all charge, because the paper will boost Millville's interests, with which his own interests are identified.

The plan, however, should not be considered as something that boosts only one man or one group of men.

I'm going to boost this market right through till the last bell rings, and from now on Curtis Jadwin spells b-u-double lbull.

A whole lot of more grist to the linguistic mill that ultimately served to build circulation, allowing Rajan to boost his bargaining power on this basis.

They hammered the exchange rate down and bought silver, then boosted the rate skyward and sold.

Honest, this new hip style they are boosting this season just saved her life.

The same quality that enabled him, voiceless though he was, to boost a song to success, was making his plea sound plausible in Terry's ears now.

It is not only in London and Berlin and Washington and Paris that wives and daughters of diplomats boost the business of their men-folk.

If it puts you out of business, remember, it's boosted my stocks fifty per cent.

VOX POPULI"Do you think you've boosted your circulation by giving a year's subscription for the biggest potato raised in the county?" THE EDITOR"Mebbe not; but I got four barrels of samples.

17 collocations for  boost