248 collocations for divined

His dear mistress divined his thoughts with her usual jealous watchfulness of affection; began to forebode a time when he would escape from his home nest; and at his eager protestations to the contrary, would only sigh and shake her head, knowing that some day her predictions would come true.

Before my father could divine my intention, I had seized it, and held it pointed at Brutus' head.

Rudimental divine science.

It seemed to me that the Greeks must have divined this important secret of the vegetable worldthe secret of ageless timeand that therein lay the charm of them; that spirit of ever freshening joy which they chiselled and sang into tangible grace for us of a later and heavier age.

Sonia Turgeinov divined his purpose; he was looking for the Nevski.

Even Percy Darrow saw the surliness of the men's attitudes, and with his usual good sense divined the cause.

"Monsieur, I do not understand you, but I can almost divine your meaning.

But Godfrey is a sort of genius at divining such things.

Lenore had left him alone, divining his wish.

The masses of level light from the columns on the left seemed to envelope the stranger, who came toward us from the entrance, as if he had divined the presence of Honoria in the alcove.

" So spoke the Major, divining the exact truth.

J., the counsel, is doing self-imposed penance in it, for what reason I divine not, at this day.

His clear head and great heart had divined her feelings, though perhaps he would never quite know how passionately grateful she was because he had divined them; because he had in no way fallen short of the man he had seemed to be.

With much sagacity, Professor Morris divined the real nature of these bodies, and boldly affirmed them to be the spore-cases of a plant allied to the living club-mosses.

I fanciedfor, not daring to look them in the face, I had turned my downcast glance on Eveenathat she had perhaps somewhat sooner divined the object of my thoughts.

"She divined my intent, and quick as was my thought were her two hands; she cast both bowl and sponge into the sea.

add to this, that in Price's History of Cornwall, a book published about ten years ago, the Virga Divinatoria, or Divining Rod, has a degree of credit given to it.

The Enfield rifle was a new mystery; and the busy brains of the sepoys were soon at work to divine the motive of the English in greasing cartridges with cow's fat.

The young woman seemed more absorbed than either of her companions, in attempting to divine this mystery that had so suddenly come upon them.

There were girls, half- hidden behind the statues, each one trying, as he passed her, to divine his mood and to pose attractively.

The Dutch artists studied these animals in all their varieties, in all their habits, and divined, as one may say, their inner life and sentiments, animating the tranquil beauty of the landscape with their forms.

Hence all men deserve eternal punishment, and must receive it, unless there be made an infinite satisfaction or atonement, since not otherwise can divine love be harmonized with divine justice.

He did not attempt to divine the future, but the history of Europe in the nineteenth century has been largely in accordance with his desires and hopes.

Skill of all kinds is hard to attain unto: but when thou bringest forth this prize, proclaim aloud with a good courage that by fate divine this man at least was born deft-handed, nimble-limbed, with the light of valour in his eyes, and that now being victorious he hath crowned at the feast Oilean Alas' altar.

Never before had she so plainly divined the power of his lofty brow, the intelligence of his eyes, the firm will of his mouth.

248 collocations for  divined