10 collocations for liuing

Of a Monastery where many strange beastes of diuers kindes doe liue vpon an hill.

They hold, there shalbe a resurrection, and all shall come to iudgement, but the account shalbe most streight, insomuch that but one of 10000 shalbe receiued to fauor, and those shall liue againe in this world in great happinesse: the rest shalbe tormented.

First, this Iland had three kings; the King of Cotta with his conquered prisoners: the king of Candia, which is a part of that Iland, and is so called by the name of Candia, which had a reasonable power, and was a great friend to the Portugals, which sayd that hee liued secretly a Christian; the third was the king of Gianifampatan.

Therefore vtterly forbeare to hazard any thing at dice, and liue in doubt and suspition of cheating, wheresoeuer you play (vnles you know your company very well) for the contagion of cheating, is now growne so vniuersall, that they swarme in euery quarter: and therefore ye cannot be in safety, vnles you shunne the company of such altogether.

These camels will liue very well two or three dayes without water: their feeding is on thistles, wormewood, magdalene, and other strong weeds which they finde vpon the way.

Of this city the Saracens report, that no Christian can by any meanes liue therein aboue a yeere.

Of a Monastery where many strange beastes of diuers kindes doe liue vpon an hill.

Long liue the King.

"He saith yt he liued neare neighbour, to goodwife Clawson many years & did allways observe her to be a woman for pease and to counsell for pease & when she hath had prouacations from her neighbours would answer & say we must liue in pease for we are naibours & would neuer to my obseruation giue threatning words nor did I look at her as one giuen to malice; & further saith not "ELEAZAR SLASON.

If euer wretch might tell of miserie Then I, alas, poore I, am only she; Vnknowne of parents, destitute of friends, Hopefull of nought but what misfortune sends; Banisht, to liue a fugitiue alone In vncoth paths and regions neuer knowne.

10 collocations for  liuing