16 collocations for neat

Frankly I do not knowtoo neat an allegory to be true, perhapsand yet there was something of this in it.

I wanted something neat an' effective, an' I worked on it a good while before I had it goin' just right.

You neat little fop, sailing from rose to rose, to-night you'll be neat as a pin can make you!

For the front line of a shrubbery this is an invaluable shrub, its pretty leaves and neat twiggy habit making it a favourite with planters.

Americus as he did wend With A.J. Mortimer, his chum, The two were greeted by a friend, "And how are you, boys, Hi, Ho, Hum?" He spread a note so crisp, so neat (Ho and Hi, and tender Hum),

The battle was spread over a wide area of villages and broken towns and shattered farmhouses, and neat little homesteads yet untouched by fire or shell.

For the third wife did not hesitate to characterise the child as "ready-made sin," and to declare that it took all her spare time, "and a lot that ain't spare," to neat up the house after her.

And you, with braided tresses neat, Black Forest maidens, slim and brown, How careful, on the sloop's green seat, You set your pails and pitchers down.

Adj. orderly, regular; in order, in trim, in apple-pie order, in its proper place; neat, tidy, en regle [Fr.], well regulated, correct, methodical, uniform, symmetrical, shipshape, businesslike, systematic; unconfused &c (confuse) &c 61; arranged &c 60.

Inside of two minutes I was safely stowed away under the platform, in about as neat a hiding-place as a man could ask.

" Softly Flora's face went into her hands, and face and hands to Anna's shoulder, as neat a reduplication as ever was.

She is a great worker an' neat an' savin'.' "'An' headstrong,' says I. 'Ye must have patience with her.'

"As neat a shot as the other's was bad," calmly remarked the Master, brushing from his sleeve some glittering splinters of glass.

Perishing Percy did some neat an' effective steps that would 'ave gone better with music, an' then stopped dead to listen for the applause.

It was in an old but humble country-house, neat the town of Arpinum, under the Volscian hills, that Marcus Tullius Cicero was born,

Continuing our course, numberless neat little villages and lovely villas appear from time to time; but when fairly on the Lake of The Thousand Isles, the scenery is altogether charming, and some new beauty is constantly bursting into view.

16 collocations for  neat