12 collocations for quake

" "Why then a shivering, quaking o' the back-bone?" "Roger, man, what troubles thee now?" "I do fear thou'rt be-devilled and moon-struck, master!"

God gives us strength, and keeps us sound A present help when dangers call; Then fear not we, let quake the ground,

And Spinrobin, at the center of his glorified yet quaking little heart, understood vaguely that the sound he uttered, and the sound he heard, were directly connected with the presence of some august and awful Name.... VI Suddenly Mr. Skale, he was aware, became rigid beside him.

When the earth "quakes" houses tumble down, and the tops of tall trees snap off.

Irving Katz leaped from his third floor threshold to the front hearth, quaking three layers of chandeliers.

Like Juggernaut's car, Catholicism had passed over John's mind, crushing all individualism, and leaving it but a wreck of quaking mysticism.

" "Why then a shivering, quaking o' the back-bone?" "Roger, man, what troubles thee now?" "I do fear thou'rt be-devilled and moon-struck, master!"

Throughout the Delta and widely about its grief-broken, discrowned, beggared, shame-crazed, brow-beaten Crescent City the giddying heat quaked visibly over the high corn, cotton, and cane, up and down the broken levees and ruined highways, empty by-ways, and grass-grown railways, on charred bridges, felled groves, and long burnt fence lines.

" "Why then a shivering, quaking o' the back-bone?" "Roger, man, what troubles thee now?" "I do fear thou'rt be-devilled and moon-struck, master!"

Let our attitude be such that we should not quake even if the world fell in ruins about us: Si fractus illabatur orbis Impavidum ferient ruinae.

His best faculty is at the dresser, where he seems to have great skill in the tactics, ranging his dishes in order military, and placing with great discretion in the fore-front meats more strong and hardy, and the more cold and cowardly in the rear; as quaking tarts and quivering custards, and such milk-sop dishes, which scape many times the fury of the encounter.

Burst by her magic touch the fetters fall, Wide springs the gate, and quakes the obdurate wall; Close to the shore the enchanted pinnace glides, Feels its fair guest within its arching sides, Then ploughs the foaming main with gallant state, Till Bretany's far coast receives the freight.

12 collocations for  quake