156 collocations for smothers

" At these words a great shout of laughter went up from those on the bench, and the landlord's face grew red as a cherry from smothering his laugh in his stomach; but he kept his merriment down, for he wished not to bring the ill-will of the brothers of Fountain Abbey upon him by unseemly mirth.

A year ago Julia used to creep away and look at such exhibitions of family affection, with a curling lip, but to-night, at Mother Carey's outstretched hand and smothered cry of "Help, Judy!"

This made matters worse than ever, as I had received two thrashings to Steve's one; I smothered my angry feelings as much as possible under the humiliating circumstances, and during the afternoon recess built another play-house, thinking that Gobel would not dare to destroy a second one; but I was mistaken, for he pushed the whole structure over at the first opportunity.

" A crash of thunder almost smothered her words, and the girls started nervously.

All of us heard that laugh, and all of us tried hard to smother the sound, or at least to ignore it.

In some ways she knew intuitively that he loved to see her with her splendid hair down, and she would sit at his feet and brush it, while he tried to hide his admiration and smother the passion which sprang up in his breast when she was near.

"You have saved a soul from perdition, Signore," he said, smothering his emotion.

She would know it was there, and Jack Fyfe would know, and she dreaded the fruits of that knowledge, the bitterness and smothered resentment it would breed.

The commonwealth had driven many excellent royalists from England to Virginia, and while Hugh Price seeks to smother his anger in clouds of tobacco smoke, we will make a quotation from John Esten Cooke's "Virginia" in regard to some of them:

In the first place, a vast deal of snow had fallen; fallen, indeed, to such a degree, as even to cover the terrace, block up the path that communicated with the wreck, and nearly to smother the house and all around it.

And indeed it seemed as if it must break her bones, so fiercely he rolled her over and over, tearing off his woollen coat to smother the fire; beating it with his tartan cap, stamping it with his knees and feet "Oh, my darlin'!

Babet said with conviction that he was like me; the midwife discovered that he had his mother's eyes; I, for my part, could not say, I was almost crying, I smothered the dear little thing with kisses, imagining I was still kissing Babet.

For that which is to keep its position so long, must be of a perfection difficult to attain; and even to recognize this perfection requires men who are not always to be found, and never in numbers sufficiently great to make themselves heard; whereas envy is always on the watch and doing its best to smother their voice.

he gasped, trying to smother the sobs.

It saw waked and smothered my first doubt.

Many a time as Pearl sat in the Ladies' Gallery and listened to the flood of invective with which the cabinet ministers smothered any attempt at criticism which the Opposition might make, she had longed for a chance to reply.

It was low, damp,the earthen floor covered with a green, slimy moss,a fetid air smothering the breath.

and then she smothered the child with kisses.

But if he would gather the princeliest gains He must smother his conscience and cudgel his brains.

But the midshipman smothered that desire and started forward.

With feverish haste I threw my clothes off, blew out the light and sprang into bed as if to smother my fears.

Perhaps the explosion had smothered all the flames.

A manicurist saw his hands and, smothering a giggle, pointed them out to the young fellow she was working on.

"Now," said the inspector, "could you say, off-hand, which finger those bones belong to?" I smothered a grin (for I had been expecting this question), and answered: "I can say off-hand that they don't belong to any finger.

He smothered a groan.

156 collocations for  smothers