5 collocations for travesty

The fantastical developments which accompanied the movement brought its devotees into much ridicule about ten years ago, and the pages of Punch of that time will be found to happily travesty its more amusing and extravagant aspects.

To distil the glowing conceptions, and to travesty the beautiful language of the ancients, through the medium of a language estranged to all its peculiarities and all its elegancies.

In the same manner Berni travestied the courtly pastoral of vernacular writers in his realistic pictures of village love.

"The braggart feebleness which travesties strength, the immoral claim which swaggers in the sanctity of historical right, the timidity which shelters its indecision behind empty and formal excuses, never were more despised than by the great Prussian King," so H. v. Treitschke tells us.

And he continued to travesty the truth, and I was impotentthe truth, that profound thing whose voice was in my ears, whose shadow was in my eyes, and whose taste was in my mouth.

5 collocations for  travesty