166 examples of ablution in sentences

If running water were not accessible, every tent had a tin basin for the morning ablution, each soldier taking turn good humoredly.

"I have reason to believe," said a third, "that the loathsomeness of ablution hath been greatly exaggerated by the heretics.

It was replied, that unless he had approached her without desire, merely for the sake of propagating his species, he was not without sin: but in all cases it was requisite for him, before he entered the church, or communicated, to purge himself by prayer and ablution; and he ought not, even after using these precautions, to participate immediately of the sacred duties

After performing his ablution, the Indian stalked like a deer into the recesses of the forest, I having in the mean time, as a matter of policy, moved out of danger, for he was no doubt animated with feelings of dire revenge, and in a very different mood from that in which I have described myself to have been at the time.

Cleanness N. cleanness, cleanliness &c adj.; purity; cleaning &c v.; purification, defecation &c v.; purgation, lustration^; detersion^, abstersion^; epuration^, mundation^; ablution, lavation^, colature^; disinfection &c v.; drainage, sewerage.

His Imperial Majesty holds a court of justice here, previous to the commencement of the holidays, and also issues orders for a general ablution by men, women, and children, of every class:

It is a good place for the last desideratum, and it is well to leave here the boat tethered to the vines which overhang the cove, and perform a sacred and Oriental ablution beneath the sunny afternoon.

The second group contained "abasement," "abhorrence," "ablution," etc., which admitted excellently of histrionic representation.

" Mr. White annotates thus: "That the benign effect of the tender passion upon Benedick in this regard should be so particularly noticed, requires, perhaps, the remark, that in Shakspeare's time our race had not abandoned itself to that reckless use of water, whether for ablution or potation, which has more recently become one of its characteristic traits.

And it is remarkable, as perhaps in some way referring to the seven-stepped ladder which we have been considering, that in the ancient Mysteries, as Apuleius informs us, the candidate was seven times washed in the consecrated waters of ablution.

Both are significant of purificationof that purification which was always symbolized by the ablution which preceded the ancient initiations into the sacred Mysteries.

Then he produced a towel, sponge, and an india-rubber bowl full of water, and I gave the child a generous drink and a thorough ablution.

Being anxious that the surgeon should see Mr. Gore's hand, I sent the gig on with him to the ship; next morning, as we crossed the bar, he rejoined us, and I was very happy to find the ablution in brandy had been of great service to his wound.

He made ablution with sand, as Mohammed allows when water cannot be found.

These girls brought copper basins of rose-water for the Arabs' "lesser ablution" before a meal.

After ablution, once morethis time the white men shared ittobacco, pomegranate syrup, sherbet, water perfumed with mastich-smoke, and thick, black coffee ended the meal.

Round this perverted place of ablution runs a stone ledge, some four feet wide, and round that again run the farm buildingsthe house at the top end, a great barn down one side, and the cowhouse, together with certain darksome piggeries and fowl-houses, down the other.

Beginning with Colonel Kemp, who was preceded by an orderly bearing a small towel and a large loofah, each officer performed a ceremonial ablution; and it was a collection of what Major Wagstaffe termed "bright and bonny young faces" which collected round the Mess table at seven o'clock.

At length Mrs. Margaret, who sat by, directing the storm, with a sheet across her lap and towels in her hand, pronounced the ablution as being complete, and the babe was lifted from the tub, held a moment to drip, and then set on the lap of the lady, and now the babe seemed to find instant relief.

In short, after forty days, I performed the ablution [of perfect recovery]; the princess was extremely rejoiced, and rewarded the surgeon largely, and clothed me richly.

On the road, a man called me and conducted me to the princess; seeing me severely wounded, she sent for a surgeon, and enjoined him very strictly, 'cure this young man quickly, and perform the ablution of recovery.

[20] The Muhammadans, after being cured of sickness or wounds, also their women, after recovery from child-bed, always bathe in luke-warm water; which is called the ablution of cure.

To dignify this number still more, sick and wounded persons are supposed, by oriental novelists, to recover and perform the ablution of cure on the fortieth day.

We will not criticize the old-school physician whom we once knew, who boasted of not having performed a thorough ablution for twenty-five years; nor will we question the physiological orthodoxy of Miss Sedgwick's New England artist, who represented the Goddess of Health with a pair of flannel drawers on.

Two little filthy children, however, seemed to be still under the ancien régime of non-ablution; but upon my saying to the old nurse Molly, in whose ward they were, 'Why, Molly, I don't believe you have bathed those children to-day,' she answered, with infinite dignity, 'Missis no b'lieve me wash um piccaninny!

166 examples of  ablution  in sentences