7 examples of anthropocentric in sentences

No philosophy or religion can afford to be anthropocentric merely.

Take Cicero's book de Officiís, or the Divina Commedia of Dante, and you will find that to them the earth is the center of creation, that the infinite stars circle around it, and that man is the king of animals: a geocentric and anthropocentric illusion inspired by immeasurable conceit.

After the geocentric illusion had been destroyed, the anthropocentric illusion still remained.

The anthropocentric illusion rebelled against the word of Darwin, accusing him of lowering the human life to the level of the dirt or of the brute.

" Gradually the anthropocentric illusion has been compelled to give way before the results of science, and today the theories of Darwin have become established among our ideas.

While the geocentric and anthropocentric illusions have been dispelled, the illusion of the immobility and eternity of classes still persists.

Of course, so long as the geocentric and anthropocentric illusions dominate, it is natural that the lore of stability should impress itself upon science and life.

7 examples of  anthropocentric  in sentences