237 examples of bereavement in sentences

To begin with, she attended the funeral, in black, it was true, but wearing only the lightest of net veils pinned under her chin"more as if she were going somewhere on the train, you know, than as if she were in genuine bereavement.

And, indeed, it was of her own choice that Anne lived apart from Lichfieldian junketings, contented with her dreams and her pride therein, and her remorseful tender memories of the things she might have done for Jack and had not donelived upon exalted levels nowadays, to which the colonel's more urbane bereavement did not aspire.

There were also, besides her personal illnesses, many events of trial and of bereavement, as must necessarily happen where there are numerous relatives.

" At a later period in life, May, 1763, she sustained another serious bereavement in the loss of her youngest daughter.

The voice of her child roused Hasty from her dreams of peace, to the dread realities of her bereavement.

I fancy we are all common people when we are sick, or in bereavement, or in adversity, or when we come to die.

But a few days afterward, Toulan, one of the commissioners of the Council, who sympathized with her bereavement, found means to send her the ring and seal.

The fourth may indeed signify nothing more than Lady Sidney's bereavement by her husband's death; but this interpretation seems too literal for a professed allegory.

Madam, your kind silence reminds me, in the gentlest, the most considerate way possible, that I am not here to relieve the tedium of a life made lonely by a bereavement equal to your own, in conversation however beguiling, or in quest of a sympathy of which, I dare to say, I feel assured.

When Doña Concepcion learned of her bereavement, her lamentations were tearless, her sorrow inconsolable.

Helen mingled a few broken thanks and petitions with her tears: thanks that she had been permitted to share the last days and hours of this poor sister in sorrow; petitions that the grief of bereavement might be lightened to the lonely parent and the faithful old servant.

This bereavement changed himmade him more odd and taciturn than ever.

The following extract from Dr. Doddridge's "Thoughts on Sacramental Occasions," gives a beautiful and edifying picture of the exercises of his affectionate and pious heart under a painful bereavement.

But the meeting was a sad one; for Cavour had died, and the national loss was as severe to her as a personal bereavement.

In this latter, which he named from his favourite country-house, he addressed himself to the subjects which suited best with his own sorrowful mood under his recent bereavement.

He never recovered from the bereavement, and shortly after he became a Spiritualist, and, until he in his glad turn passed the gates of death, he lived in what he knew to be the light of her presence.

All his surroundings had kept up the impressions of his bereavement, and all his associates sympathized with and respected it, and I came in with a new life just as he came to need relief from the depression which had become morbid.

Weary, overtaxed mothers; misunderstood and unappreciated wives, servants, pale seamstresses, delicate women forced to live in an atmosphere of drunkenness and coarse brutality, widows and orphans in the bitterness of their bereavement, mothers with their tears dropping over empty cradlesto thousands of such she was a messenger from heaven.

Their vile love-affair in Naples had been sufficiently paid for with his bereavement....

They go on for twenty years, through exile and suffering, through bereavement, through fame and through marriage, uninterrupted and, except for one brief period, unabridged.

I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost and the pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.

These friends cannot restore him to us, as the Friend restored Lazarus to his family; but they can sympathize with us in our great bereavement.

Since the death of Dr. Powell, we have received numerous letters from all parts of the country expressing sympathy in our great bereavement, which the writers shared profoundly with us.

This man either has been taken ill or has had to go away because of a bereavement.

But, for all that, he touches the great and eternal commonplaces of human occasionfriendship, health, bereavement, riches, poverty, deathwith a hand that places him high among the wise masters of life.

237 examples of  bereavement  in sentences