46 examples of blackmailer in sentences

"First the man who gave his name as d'Aurelle, but who was really a blackmailer named Drouet; second, M. Vantine, the connoisseur; and third, the creature Morel.

Libbie visited the bottle regularly, afraid to let a day pass lest the blackmailer expose her to the principal.

"Are you the blackmailer who's been writing me those letters?"

Woman-like, she thought the scheme a dishonourable one, for the law, she knew, is severe on the blackmailer.

To effectually get rid of a dangerous blackmailer was the generally accepted theory.

In the first place, if the blackmailer was the 'Comte de la Tremouille' returned to life, why should he have been content to take £10,000 from a lady who was his lawful wife, and who could keep him in luxury for the rest of his natural life upon her large fortune, which was close upon a quarter of a million?

" "Then in that case, my lord, I may put it to you that Mr. Rees' disappearance is due to the action of no ordinary criminal or blackmailer, but is part of a much more deeply laid scheme.

Nor can it be decided whether Rémond really believed he had been swindled or whether he was just a blackmailer.

He is what is called a blackmailer.

But the matter was particularly unpleasant just now, and Lawrence wished to occupy his time here in business very different from that of sending explanations to rivals and warding off unfriendly entanglements threatened by a blackmailer.

But at last the blackmailer's demands became too insolent, and Timar drove him out of the house.

An age when princes of finance buy protection from the representatives of a fierce democracy; when guardians of the savings which insure the lives of the poor, use them as a surplus to pay for the extravagances of the rich; and when men who have climbed above their fellows on golden ladders, tremble at the crack of the blackmailer's whip and come down at the call of an obscene newspaper.

The blackmailer lives entirely on the want of courage in his victims.

Yet to pay money to a blackmailer was, to the legal mind, a confession of guilt.

They prosecuted the blackmailer.

He could not prosecute the blackmailer, since he was not in the fortunate position of being innocent.

But if you paid a blackmailer once, you were for ever in his power.

No doubt, of course, the blackmailer would be sentenced, but the cause of blackmail would necessarily be public.

I should like them to have seen the name already on the outside of that organ of public opinion called Tootsie's Tips, or The Boy Blackmailer, or Nosey Knows, that bright little financial paper which did so much for the Empire and which so narrowly escaped a criminal prosecution.

Satire is lavished upon misdirected education (28), the sluttishness of London landladies, self-adoring Art on a pedestal (256), the delegation of children to underlings, sham religiosity (229), the pampered conscience of a diffident student, and the mensonge of modern woman (300), typified by the ruddled cast-off of Redgrave, who plays first, in her shrivelled paint, as procuress, and then, in her naked hideousness, as blackmailer.

You are a fakir and a blackmailer.

The blackmailer and the pickpocket have as much right to the plea, as the newspaper masked-assassin, with the concealed weapon of a pen.

Nobody imagines that an admiration of Locksley in 'Ivanhoe' will lead a boy to shoot Japanese arrows at the deer in Richmond Park; no one thinks that the incautious opening of Wordsworth at the poem on Rob Roy will set him up for life as a blackmailer.

Among the Camorrists of Italy that ideal is the successful blackmailer.

A blackmailer wrote the following to a wealthy business man: "Send me $5,000 or I will abduct your mother-in-law.

46 examples of  blackmailer  in sentences