3 examples of braggings in sentences

The preoccupations here behind the lines filled him with disgust, weariness, and a profound pity for these people in the reara strange race to him, with the outcries of the papers, questions from such personsold buffoons, worn-out, damaged politicians!patriotic braggings, written-up strategies, anxieties about black bread, sugar cards, or the days when the confectioners were shut.

The living are hardly better off, depressed as they are by four years of sham patriotism, circus-parades, tom-toms, threats, braggings, hatreds, informers, trials for treason, and summary executions.

If I waxed weary of Bobby's sea-tales, I might refresh myself with listening to the Brat's braggings about Oxfordwith Tou Tou's murdered French lesson: J'aime, I love.

3 examples of  braggings  in sentences