35 examples of cadaver in sentences

Circumstant, largoque humeclant imbre cadaver; Sheffeildum video, in lacrymis multoque dolore Formosum, ætatis Flaccum, vatisque patronum; Te Montacute, te, cujus musa triumphos Carmine Boynæos cucinit, magnumque Wilhelmum Æternavit, et olim Boynam, ignobile flumen; Teque,

And then later, when the body is cold, above all should the cadaver, which the soul has just left, be respected.

Corpse N. corpse, corse^, carcass, cadaver, bones, skeleton, dry bones; defunct, relics, reliquiae [Lat.], remains, mortal remains, dust, ashes, earth, clay; mummy; carrion; food for worms, food for fishes; tenement of clay this mortal coil.

Cadaver. 1235.

Cadaver. 1272.

Cadaver. 1278.

Altera trans-Rhenana ingressa sepulchrum recens apertum, vidit cadaver, et domum subito reversa putavit eam vocare, post paucos dies obiit, proximo sepulchre collocata.

cada, each, every; uno, each one; vez, each time; ever, continually. cadáver, m., corpse, cadaver.

Perinde ac cadaver....

Precisely as in ancient Egypt the literal belief in the resurrection of the body led to the custom of preserving the corpses with the most sedulous care, so in Peru the cadaver was mummied and deposited in the most secret and inaccessible spots, so that it should remain undisturbed to the great day of resurrection.

As he significantly remarked: The principles of the Cartesian physics relate merely to the "cadaver" of nature (Erud., p. 260).

A ghastly, leering cadaver in collar and necktie, dressed up and photographed at the morgue, and now flashed hideously at the prisoner out of the darkness.

Cujus vulturis hoc erit cadaver?

The cadaver had a beaver-cap ornamented with disks of copper containing the bones of the cranium, which had fallen apart.

Vorpali, semel atque iterum collectus in ictum, Persnicuit gladio persnacuitque puer: Deinde galumphatus, spernens informe cadaver, Horrendum monstri rettulit ipse caput.

It was lean and livid as a cadaver.

The cadaver of Gideon Wyck, by a medical student.

A cadaver makes good.

The cadaver of Gideon Wyck, by a medical student.

A cadaver makes good.

The wax-work cadaver, by Lillian De La Torre.

He is handed a case to experiment on, just as a medical student is handed a cadaver to dissect.

[Footnote 3: Abraxas, which in Greek letters represents 365, the number of the deities supposed by the Basilidians to be subordinate to the All Ruling One, was a mystical name for the supreme God, and was engraved as a charm on stones together with the figure of a human body (Cadaver), with cats head and reptiles feet.

In short, we look upon the Terrors of a Description, with the same Curiosity and Satisfaction that we survey a dead Monster. 'Informe cadaver Protrahitur, nequeunt expleri corda tuendo Terribiles oculos: vultum, villosaque satis Pectora semiferi, atque extinctos faucibus ignes.' Virg.

While the two fields are different in character and scope, they are so interrelated and interwoven that any successful attempt to separate them would leave the inquirer with two segments of a lifeless social cadaver.

35 examples of  cadaver  in sentences