242 examples of conjurer in sentences

The mind of Saul was distracted and agitated beyond measure by the most critical and alarming situation of his affairs; his distress was so great that, forgetting his dignity and safety, he dismissed his attendants, laid aside his royal robes, was unable to eat bread, and, dressed like the meanest of his people, he took his journey to the abode of the conjurer.

He entreats an account of the personage who approached, and the conjurer describes the well-known appearance of Samuel.

The conjurer returns to Saul, presses him to take some food which she had prepared.

He had in his hand an extraordinary sort of hat which had something of a shape of a folding cocked hat, with divers red crosses and figures on it, so that it resembled a conjurer's cap.

" "You are as clever as a conjurer," sobbed Patience; "but I wish you hadn't been right in this instance.

They all gathered round March like people watching a conjurer's trick when he slid the action into place and proved, chromatically, that every hammer would strike and every key return.

the original, Schiller has an allusion of very questionable taste, and one which is very obscure to the general reader, to a conjurer of the name of Philadelphia who exhibited before Frederick the Great.] Then the vassal airs that woo thee, Hush their low breath hearkening to thee.

MACKENZIE, R. SHELTON. Robert-Houdin, the great wizard, celebrated French conjurer, author, and ambassador.

Robert-Houdin, the great wizard, celebrated French conjurer, author, and ambassador.

" "We'll talk it over in a day or two," ses the conjurer.

He was one o' the fust to turn up that night, because 'e said 'e wanted to know wot the conjurer was going to pay him for all 'is pain and suffering and having things said about 'is character.

"And now," ses the conjurer, at last, "I come to my celebrated watch trick.

"Very good," ses the conjurer; "you take that bandage off and show us all where you're hurt.

" "Take the bandage off," ses the conjurer, "and if there's any shot marks I'll give you a couple o' sovereigns.

"Do you mean to say there's no marks?" "I do," ses the conjurer.

"You 'eard wot the conjurer said the other night, that the last time he tried 'e failed, and 'ad to give eighteenpence to the man wot the watch 'ad belonged to.

" "That was by way of a joke like," ses the conjurer to John Biggs.

"Not likely," ses the conjurer.

The conjurer sprang at 'im and caught at 'is arm, but it was too late, and in a terrible state

"Yes, but not by 'im," ses the conjurer, dancing about.

" John Biggs looked at it, and then 'e asked the conjurer once more to do the trick, but 'e wouldn't.

" It was all very well for Sam Jones to talk, but the conjurer wouldn't sit on a chair by 'imself.

" "All right, then," ses the conjurer, very pale.

" George Kettle said it was all nonsense, but the conjurer said the trick was always better done in the open air, and at last they gave way and took 'im and the chair outside.

"Now," ses the conjurer, as 'e sat down, "all of you go and stand near the man woe's going to shoot.

242 examples of  conjurer  in sentences