10 examples of cortical in sentences

Or if the cortical secretion pours in an overwhelming amount of its secretion from the first into the blood there will be no fear, but anger immediately.

A, membrane of the hair-follicle, cells with nuclei and pigmentary granules; B, external lining of the root sheath; C, internal lining of the root sheath; D, cortical or fibrous portion of the hair shaft; E, medullary portion (pith) of shaft; F, hair-bulb, showing its development from cells from A. ]

These lie parallel in the medullary or central structure, but On reaching the cortical or outer layer, they wind about and interlace, ending, at last, in dilated closed sacs called Malpighian capsules.

Note on the cut surfaces, on the outer side, the darker cortical portion, and on the inner side, the smooth, pale, medullary portion.

Adj. covering &c v.; superimposed, overlaid, plated &c v.; cutaneous, dermal, cortical, cuticular, tegumentary^, skinny, scaly, squamous [Anat.]; covered &c v.; imbricated, loricated^, armor plated, ironclad; under cover; cowled, cucullate^, dermatoid^, encuirassed^, hooded, squamiferous^, tectiform^; vaginate^. 224.

Six hundred cortical layers were found outside of these antique hacks, indicating that they were made in the 12th century.

CORTICAL substance of the brain, 315.

As the colour is confined to the cortical part, the small roots are best, these having proportionally more bark than the large.

The cortical part of the root, dried and rolled up into quills, is sometimes brought to us.

The cortical part of the root may be taken, in substance, to the quantity of a dram: the internal part is considerably weaker, and requires to be given in double the dose to produce the same effect.

10 examples of  cortical  in sentences