179 examples of daffodils in sentences

Daffodils were growing in profusion as we neared the summit, making the hill crest seem crowned with gold.

The neighbourhood is very rich in flora, small jonquils, daffodils, oxslips, hyacinths, violets, polygala, potentilla, anemones, Ramondia pyrenaïca, Primula farinosa, large and small gentians, linaria, and bee orchids being among the easiest to find.

Starting again, we commenced the zigzag ascent past the churchthe road winding among fields golden with daffodils, mingling here and there with the lovely blue of the gentians and the pink Primula farinosatowards the base of the Coumelie, the mule-path to the Cirque de Troumouse leading through a field above us, as we reached the zigzag's top.

Sing on, then, while the heart of youth In glad accordance answ'ring thrills, And life and love have still their truth, As spring has still its daffodils.

Compare Shelley's view of nature, as reflected in "The Cloud" or "The West Wind," with Wordsworth's view, as reflected in "The Prelude," "Tintern Abbey," "Daffodils," etc.

We may fancy that it was his mother who first pointed out to him "...daffodils, That come before the swallow dares, and take The winds of March with beauty; violets dim, But sweeter than the lids of Juno's eyes.

BARR'S BEAUTIFUL HARDY GOLD MEDAL DAFFODILS THE MOST LOVELY OF ALL SPRING FLOWERS Awarded the only GOLD MEDAL at the great Daffodil Conference of the Royal Horticultural Society.

Daffodils in flower, April; Tulips in flower, May other hardy flowers "all the year round.

Only a few daffodils and crocuses were in bloom, but she led me to the rose garden, and told me that in the summer she could pick a great basket of roses every day.

The Excursion might benefit by omission and compression, but not The Solitary Reaper, nor The Daffodils.

Caroline Critical Review D Daffodils, The (Wordsworth) Dejection, Ode to (Coleridge)

Chaucer's daisy comes equally early; and March brings daffodils, narcissi, violets, daisies, jonquils, hyacinths, and marsh-marigolds.

"And here are those which, if not daffodils, yet "'Come before the swallow dares, and take The winds of March with beauty,'" he said, giving her a basket of hepaticas and winter-green.

The pale green tips of daffodils are a thing of beauty.

14 The Green was our pride through the year, For in Spring, when the wild flow'rets blew, Tho' many rich pastures were near, Where Cowslips and Daffodils grew; And tho' such gallant flow'rs were our choice, It was bliss interrupted by Fear The Fear of their Owner's dread voice, Harshly bawling "You've no business here.

"Thus you see, how naturally the Fribbles and the Daffodils have produced the Messalina's of our time:"Brown's Estimate, ii, 53.

That longing of Browning expressed in the lines, O to be in England Now that April's there! was, after all, the cry of a homesick versifier, thinking "Home Thoughts, from Abroad"; and are Herrick and Wordsworth quite to be trusted on the subject of daffodils?

Every silk-hat glistened, every shoe was blacked, the flowers on the women's hats were as fresh as the daffodils against the house fronts.

And all the fields thereof, Where daffodils flaunt everywhere And ouzels chant of love, Lest we attain the Middle-Land, Whence clouded well-springs rise, And vipers from a slimy strand Lift glittering cold eyes.

Height, 3 ft. to 4 ft. D Daffodils.

Daffodils are also suitable for pot culture.

Daffodils likewise make a good display when planted on a lawn.

See "Daffodils.

She has let them build and toil, and pray and fight; it is all one to her what is done on the rockwhether men carve its stones into lace, or rot and die in its dungeons; it is all the same to her whether each spring the daffodils creep up within the crevices and the irises nod to them from the gardens.

" The thought of the daffodils made Sally long intensely for her garden.

179 examples of  daffodils  in sentences