45 examples of datum in sentences

[30] To Artemis.]Maidens at the shrine of Artemis are a fixed datum in the tradition.

The difference in the tides of the two oceans, 9 inches in either direction from the mean in the Atlantic and from 9 to 11 feet from the same datum in the Pacific, was to be overcome and the final currents reduced by a proper sloping of the bottom of the Pacific portion of the Canal.

In the Alcestis, as it stands, the famous act of hospitality is a datum of the story.

As to Admetus's motive, we must remember that the entertaining of Heracles is a datum of the story in its simplest form.

Heracles bringing back the dead is a datum of the saga.

There remain then the more purely dramatic questions about our poet's treatment of the datum.

Datum Hierosolymis apud sacratissimum domini coenaculum in sæpè memorato monte Sion, Anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo, quinquagesimo tertio, die vero sexto mensis Septembris.

Priuilegium datum et concessum est ex parte Serenitatis Cæsareæ nostræ: et huius priuilegij copia data est sub insigni nostro:

Of philosophers and scholars priscae sapientiae dictatores, I have already spoken in general terms, those superintendents of wit and learning, men above men, those refined men, minions of the muses, "mentemque habere queis bonam Et esse corculis datum est.

Suspicion, Jealousy.] Suspicion, and jealousy, are general symptoms: they are commonly distrustful, apt to mistake, and amplify, facile irascibiles, [2508]testy, pettish, peevish, and ready to snarl upon every [2509]small occasion, cum amicissimis, and without a cause, datum vel non datum, it will be scandalum acceptum.

Suspicion, Jealousy.] Suspicion, and jealousy, are general symptoms: they are commonly distrustful, apt to mistake, and amplify, facile irascibiles, [2508]testy, pettish, peevish, and ready to snarl upon every [2509]small occasion, cum amicissimis, and without a cause, datum vel non datum, it will be scandalum acceptum.

52. de Julio, and Dion, lib. 44. relate) jus illi datum, cum quibuscunque faeminis se jungendi.

Nihil homini tam prospere datum divinitus, quin ei admixtum sit aliquid difficultatis, in amplissima quaque laetitia subest quaedam querimonia, conjugatione quadam mellis et fellis.

6. librum a Vincentio monacho datum abjecit, nihil se videre ibi hujusmodi dicens rogansque unde haec sciret, quum de coelo et

It is the underlying substance, the fundamental datum, and we disregard it; what interests us is its pathognomy, its play of feature during conversation.

Quisque suum norit modulum; tibi, prime virorum, Ut studiis sperem, aut ausim par esse querelis, Non mihi sorte datum; lenti seu sanguinis obsint Frigora, seu nimium longo jacuisse veterno, Sive mihi mentem dederit natura minorem.

Tandem dolori plus satis est datum, Exsurge fortis, nunc animis opus, Te, docta, Laurenti, vetustas, Te medici revocant labores.

Ab agro Enfeldiense datum, Aprilis nescio quibus Calendis Davus sum, non Calendarius.

Datum ab agro Enfeldiensi, Maii die sextâ, 1831.

Pergratus est liber ambobus, nempe "Sacerdotis Commiserationis," sacrum opus a te ipso Humanissimae Religionis Sacerdote dono datum.

It is a datum or revelation made to a spiritual faculty in the soul, as real as the external senses or any of the mental or moral faculties, and far more exalted.

A few seem to have the Latin plural only: as, arcanum, arcana; datum, data; effluvium, effluvia; erratum, errata; scholium, scholia.

[209] Ulpian in Dig., i., 12, 8: hoc quoque officium praefecto urbi a divo Severo datum est, ut mancipia tueatur ne prostituantur.

Above, and at the level that corresponds to a volume of three cubic centimeters, there is a black line which serves as an invariable datum point.

By William Wadd, Esq., F.L.S. "Non cuicunque datum est habere nasum."MARTIAL.

45 examples of  datum  in sentences