474 examples of disapproval in sentences

Pope Leo III, early in the ninth century, not only expressed his disapproval of this departure from the original form, but, in order to show his sense of the importance of adhering to the traditional practice, caused the Creed of Constantinople to be engraved on silver plates, both in Greek and Latin, and thus to be publicly set forth in the Church.

In spite of the disapproval of Elizabeth and other Germans, I struck off the chains, feeling that he very probably had good excuse for his offence.

I would submit too to our distinguished countrymen who occupy high offices that their giving up will bring the struggle to a speedy end and would probably obviate the danger attendant upon the masses being called upon to signify their disapproval by withdrawing co-operation.

I consider that the visit of the Prince of Wales is a singularly good opportunity to the people to show their disapproval of the present Government.

It will constitute an emphatic demonstration of the disapproval by the leaders of the people of the acts of the Government.

With regard to the disapproval of the Indian Government of McNair's venture in entering Kafiristan without the permission of his Government, I never heard a word from his lips by way of complaint, although no doubt the paper accurately describes the facts.

They had one and all disapproved, she knew, of the sudden second marriage and Dr. Coombe had never quite forgiven their disapproval.

The Contarini quoted low to his neighbor a recent bon mot of the Senate, "Everybody hath a window in his breast to Fra Paolo;" for several senators of families closely allied to Rome started at the boldness of the thought, and exchanged furtive glances of disapproval, and the fearless eye of the friar immediately fixed upon them, holding and quieting them as they moved restlessly to evade his glance.

Soon after starting this morning, we came upon a camp of fifteen or twenty natives, on the bank of a deep reach of water, hemmed in by steep rocky hills, up which they hastily scrambled on our approach, and on reaching the summit, tried by various gestures to express their disapproval of our visit, but would not hold any parley with us.

She was in love with Edmund; and Edmund was torn between love for Mary, despair of winning her, and disapproval of her principles.

An elderly clergyman of ascetic and acidulous aspect had passed us with a glance of evident disapproval, clearly setting us down as intruding philanderers; and when I contrasted the parson's probable conception of the whispered communications that were being poured into my ear so tenderly and confidentially with the dry reality, I chuckled aloud.

" He went on steadily in spite of the groans of disapproval on every side.

Mrs. Marsh retained her place in silence, well-paid sinecure as it doubtless was, yet with no hint of that suppressed disapproval one might have expected from her.

I'm this kind of a disposition myself: ef I was ever to go to any kind of a collation thet I expressed disapproval of, why, the supper couldn't be good enough not to choke me.

she repeated, in a tone which implied disapproval.

The wound, although not fatal, was so painful that Bruin uttered a loud roar of disapproval, wheeled round, and ran away!an act of cowardice so unusual on the part of a Polar bear that the whole party were taken by surprise.

" Dr. Hargrave looked gentle but strong disapproval.

In the later campaigns, while he did not allow his attention to be diverted from the slavery discussion, his disapproval of Know-Nothingism was quite as decided and as public.

Occasionally there was, for some valid reason, an exception to his disapproval; as in the case, for instance, of Jack McMillan.

Even Ben's evident friendliness toward her did not overcome Baldy's disapproval, though he frequently went with them for long walks which would have been far more agreeable could he have been with the boy alone.

While this caused strong disapproval in all canine circles, strangely enough it apparently made no difference in his standing with men and women.

It may be, nay, it probably is true, that the person so detecting the discord will not know where the trouble lies or of what it consists, but his ear, untrained as it is, tells him that something is wrong, and he shows his discomfort and disapproval.

" With obvious unwillingness and disapproval, Mr. Weiss produced a dressing-gown and together we invested the patient in it.

" "Because he does not know any better," his mother rejoined with unmistakable disapproval.

" My spirits are so dashed by the more implied than expressed disapproval of my brethren, that I resolve to defer the presentation of the bag till to-morrow, or perhapsto-morrow being Sunday, always rather a dark day in the paternal calendartill Monday.

474 examples of  disapproval  in sentences