7 examples of effloresces in sentences

Something may be gained, much lost, by that perennial succession; those links, however slight, must make the floral period continuous to the imagination; while our year gives a pause and an interval to its children, and after exhausted October has effloresced into Witch-Hazel, there is an absolute reserve of blossom, until the Alders wave again.

The growth which began with Niccolò of Pisa and with Cimabue, which advanced through Giotto and his school, Perugino and Pinturicchio, Piero della Francesca and Signorelli, Fra Angelico and Benozzo Gozzoli, the Ghirlandajo brothers, the Lippi and Botticelli, effloresced in Michelangelo, leaving nothing for aftercomers but manneristic imitation.

Remember that, whether for liberty or whether for love, passion effloresces in the human beingno matter when, where, or howwith every spring's return.

You will even notice rows of books in their rooms, and a picture or two,things that look as if they had surplus money; but these superfluities are the water of crystallization to scholars, and you can never get them away till the poor fellows effloresce into dust.

The arsenic and corrosive sublimate effloresced from the ties along the Memphis and Charleston Railroad.

Unlike the generality of ugly heroines, you will not see me develop and effloresce into beauty toward the end of my story.

Some buds are expanding; others, which had effloresced more rapidly, have already disappeared.

7 examples of  effloresces  in sentences