155 examples of fellowes in sentences

The unlearned or foolish phantasicalle that smelles but of learnyng (suche fellowes as have seen learned men in their daies) will so Latin their tongues that the simple can not but wonder at their talke, and thinke surely thei speake by some revelation.

Shee seem'd still backe unto the land to looke, And her play-fellowes aide to call, and feare The dashing of the waves, that up she tooke Her daintie feete, and garments gathered neare: But Lord!

And somme of oure fellowes accordeden to enter, and somme noght.

And so we wisten nevere, whether that oure fellowes weren lost, or elle turned azen for drede: but wee ne saughe hem never after: and tho weren 2 men of Grece and 3 of Spayne.

But those which haue a mind to ouergoe their fellowes, and to goe into paradise before the rest, doe the same once a day while the Carouan remaineth there.

I do not appeal to him, I appeal to his co-religionists, how they would like the publication of a dialogue, in which his free and easy sceptic "Mr. Harrington" might reason on the opposite side to that pliable and candid man of straw "Mr. Fellowes?"

Excuse me (said Fellowes),

Does not Mr. Rogers believe the Old Testament inspired and all of it true? Certainly (said Fellowes): at least he was much shocked with Mr. Newman for trying to discriminate its chaff from its wheat.

Fellowes, after a pause, replied:That is certainly written in the 28th chapter of Exodus.

If Aaron's toggery needed one portion of the spirit of wisdom from Jehovah, how many portions does the Empress Eugenie's best crinoline need? Really (said Fellowes, somewhat offended), such ridicule seems to me profane.

I cannot deny that (said Fellowes, lifting his eyebrows).

Of course he does (answered Fellowes), the text is perfectly clear, in the 31st of Exodus; Bezaleel and Aholiab were both inspired to become cunning workmen.

There is something in that (said Fellowes).

Do you mean that he is trying to save the credit of Moses, by maintaining that the Spirit of God which guides a sculptor is not the same in kind as that which guides a saint? No (replied Fellowes, with surprise), he is not defending Moses; he is attacking Parker.

Now this is too bad (said Fellowes), I really cannot bear it.

That is true (replied Fellowes with more composure).

How do you mean (said Fellowes, with curiosity aroused)?

Really I do not call this ridicule, Mr. Harrington (said Fellowes, rising), I must call it slander.

Well (said Fellowes), but why do you call Mr. Rogers illogical?

Does he not say that? Unquestionably; he has a whole chapter (ch. III.) of his "Defence" to enforce this on Mr. Newman (replied Fellowes).

Surely, Harrington, you forget that you are speaking of God, not of man: you ought not to reason so (said Fellowes, somewhat agitated).

Surely, Fellowes, it is you who forget (retorted Harrington) that syllogism depends on form, not on matter.

No, you are unfair (said Fellowes), I know he says that revelation would confirm and improve your moral principles.

What think you of that for logic? I confess (said Fellowes, with great candour) I must yield up my friend's reputation as a logician; and I begin to think he was unwise in talking so contemptuously of Mr. Newman's reasoning faculties.

(said Fellowes, with a serious air).

155 examples of  fellowes  in sentences