148 examples of figuratively in sentences

Do these add force, definiteness to the picture Shakespeare is drawing at that moment? 7. Observe from Appendix 3, Appendix 4, and the sentences listed in Activity 9 for EXERCISE - Abstract above, that a thing meant to be concrete is likely to be stated figuratively.

Simply this, that tension means stretching, and that the stretching may be conceived either literally or figuratively.

Is cold used thus figuratively also?

He would look them (figuratively) in the eye.

Whereupon Sir Charles figuratively shrugged.

Of course I am speaking figuratively.

He should not even speak of acids reddening vegetable-blues upon mere hearsay, unless he is speaking figuratively.

Sometimes both kinds may be present and ready for action at the same moment; but they never quarrel as to which shall preachnever get "up a tree," figuratively speaking, and everything is arranged quietly.

These corpuscles are, indeed, said figuratively to eat the malign micro-organisms, whence they have been termed phagocytes (from [Greek: phagein], to eat, and

To speak less figuratively: the cleaning up of the city government with the inauguration of the commission system, came because the change was made by an awakening of the good people of the community.

" The sacrifice was made, and, let us hope, not merely figuratively accepted by Him to whom prejudices may arise today an offering not less honored than was the blood of rams in the hour when Abraham laid his first-born on an altar in the thicket of Jehovah-jireh.

It was distinctly the huzca, or sacred fetish of the Incas, and they were figuratively said to have descended from it.

He had thrown his mother at my head (figuratively speaking, of course) until, if she had been present in propria persona, I should have been tempted to try Hiawatha's remarkable feat with his grandmother, and throw her up against the moon.

Figuratively speaking, his problem was not a hard one.

(The interpreter translated each sentence as it was delivered, and gave it as nearly verbatim as possibleobserve, the pronoun I is here used figuratively, for his party, and for the tribe).

On the contrary, the editorial work of the Woman's Journal is, figuratively speaking, divided into sevenths.

They pushed the cattle away from the fencesto speak figuratively and colloquiallyand drove them back to the open range until the next storm or cold north wind came and compelled them to repeat the process.

quetzal, for quetzalli, a long, handsome blue feather from the quetzal bird, often used figuratively for anything beautiful or precious.

chalchiuh for chalchiuitl, the famous green-stone, jade or emerald, so highly prized by the Mexicans; often used figuratively for anything noble, beautiful and esteemed.

These were military titles applied to officers commanding small bodies of troops; figuratively, the words mean control, power, and dignity; also, bravery and virtue.

The ceiba and cypress trees were employed figuratively to indicate protection and safeguard.

WHEEL, BREAKING ON THE, a very barbarous mode of inflicting death at one time, in which the limbs of the victim were stretched along the spokes of a wheel, and the wheel being turned rapidly round, the limbs were broken by repeated blows from an iron bar; this is what the French roué means, applied figuratively to a person broken with dissipation, or what we call a rake.

The happiness and honors which should follow upon the birth of a male child being figuratively comprehended in that enlargement of the liver whence comes the good digestion for which alone life is worth the living.

On the third round the Ford had slowed to a walk, figuratively speaking.

The foreman, he judged, was speaking figuratively.

148 examples of  figuratively  in sentences