330 examples of hereupon in sentences

" "Nay, dear my father, how may this be?" Now hereupon Ambrose the Hermit stood awhile with bent head, and spake not, only he sighed full oft and wrung his hands.

" Now hereupon, of a sudden, Beltane clenched his hands and fell upon his knees.

Now hereupon Beltane turned to look with yearning eyes towards the gloom of the forest beyond which lay the soft and peaceful valleys of fair Mortain, and she that called herself Fidelis, who had indeed been so faithful in all things, so patient and enduring; and, as his eyes yearned, so yearned the great passionate soul of him, insomuch that he must needs fall a-trembling, whereat Roger the watchful drew a soft pace nearer.

" Now hereupon Black Roger halted and looked upon Beltane glad-eyed.

But hereupon the lank fellow cried out, bold and querulous: "Take ye heed, for whoso dareth lay hand on me, toucheth the person of Duke Ivo's puissant self!"

" Hereupon Roger, having straightway choked him to silence with the one hand full soon had found the money with the other, and thereafter, he loosed the Bailiff that he might get his breath again; the which he no sooner had done than he fell to prayers and humble entreaties: "Sir knightright noble sir, sure thou wilt not take thus from a woeful wight all that he hath.

Now hereupon Beltane rose somewhat hastily and turned his back, what time Roger sheathed his sword.

" Now hereupon the witch Jolette raised herself, and set her two hands passionately on Beltane's shoulders, and looked upon him great-eyed and fearful.

how upon a time as I drank a bowl of milk with thee amid the green in Mortain, I did warn thee that she had red hair and was like to prove a spit-fire, therefore!" Now hereupon my Beltane must needs catch his breath and flush to the ears of him, and therewith strive to look at his ease, like the very youth he was.

Summon we our wisest heads, for here is matter for thought and sudden action methinks!" Hereupon Sir Benedict beckoned to his five chiefest knights

Hereupon the mighty four made their obeisance and hasted away, rejoicing.

Now hereupon Sir Hacon's gloom vanished and rising up, he smiled and forthwith did on his great war-helm.

Hereupon, Beltane reached out in the dark and touched the small man Prat the Archer.

Hereupon Beltane halted his hard-breathing foresters and bidding them rest awhile and break their fast, hasted down into the roadway with Walkyn and Cnut and Black Roger.

Now hereupon Walkyn's scowl deepened, and, falling further to the rear, he spake no more.

" Hereupon Mr. GIDEON WELLES woke up and remarked, in a strain of apology, that be hadn't read his commission yet, but it was his impression that he was the head of what was called the Navy Department.

Hereupon little Roscoe broke into a high-pitched recitative.

Hereupon Captain Coney quitted France in discontent, and went to the wars in Hungary against the Turks, where he received a mortal wound, near Buda.

Hereupon the crowd clapped their hands with delight, the singers shouted, the drummers thumped, and the dancers vaulted their admiration of the piety and generosity of Omaree.

Hereupon we bad him generally farewell, beseeching God to keepe and preserue him from misfortunes, and hoping that at some one time or other he should finde deliuerance; for that all shippes sailing to the West Indies must there of necessity refresh themselues.

Hereupon the townsemen of Bantam very secretly provided certaine gallies and fustes in great hast, and sodainly assailed the Portugales before they were well aware of them: for which cause finding but small resistance, they tooke 3.

Hereupon rich and powerful laymen, filled with ardor for their faith or fear for their eternal welfare, went seeking after solitude, and devoted themselves to prayer in the monasteries they had founded or enriched with their wealth; whole families were dispersed amongst various religious houses; and all the severities of penance hardly sufficed to quiet imaginations scared at the perils of living in the world or at the vices of their age.

"Hereupon," says Castelnau, "in came the king's nurse, who was a Huguenot, and the queen, at the same time that she took me to see the king, who was still in bed, said to me with great agitation and jeeringly, 'We had better ask the king's nurse whether to give battle or not; what think you?'

Hereupon M. Dumas tells an amusing story of a Russian prince, which not only proves how efficient a cause this buona mano may be in the accomplishment of the journey, but also illustrates very forcibly a familiar principle of our own jurisprudence, and a point to which the Italian traveller must pay particular attention.

"Hereupon the prince spoke to his German servant, Frantz, who was sitting beside the coachman, and bade him administer due correction to this refractory fellow.

330 examples of  hereupon  in sentences