803 examples of indignantly in sentences

[He weeps gently in his little pocket handkerchief.] MADAM (indignantly).

FIRST GOODY (indignantly, pointing to the Miller and his Son).

[The Goodies pass on, shaking their heads and their canes indignantly.] MILLER.

MOTHER (indignantly).

I mean to have a taste of them, at least. WIFE (indignantly).

GOODY (indignantly).

By accident I MAN (indignantly).

MAN (more indignantly).

Why? MAN (indignantly).

EMPEROR (indignantly).

Mr. Roundjacket flourished his ruler, indignantly.

"If you must employ your strength," said he indignantly, "employ it to uphold some honorable right.

Ten years earlier his offers would, of course, have been indignantly rejected, or three years later, after the disasters of the Russian campaign.

Look how French Napoleonist papers frown indignantly at the idea that the Congress of the United States dare to honour my humble self.

When he indignantly declined, Hubbard, red in the face with rage, called him a "damned skunk.

Looking into the distorted faces of the mob she cried indignantly, "You are curs and cowards to treat a man like that!" There may be human beings in Centralia after all.

she exclaimed, indignantly.

" "I s'pose if you're goin' to kick a man, it should be done politely," said Jack, indignantly.

" "I didn't say any such thing," said Jack, indignantly.

" "Spectacles!" retorted Rachel, indignantly.

the women chorussed indignantly.

he exclaimed indignantly.

"Why, they said you once gave a man a fair price for a pair of trousers," said the barman, indignantly.

"You're as bad as the rest of them," he said indignantly.

That this oblivion is merited in terms of his work I am not prepared to admit; that it is merited in terms of his personality I indignantly wish to deny.

803 examples of  indignantly  in sentences