2159 examples of lapping in sentences

Amid the beauties of your manuscript, of which no man can think more highly than I do, what will the squeamish say to such expressions as these,'devoured their limbs, yet warm and trembling, lapping the blood,' page 10.

The sleepy waves lapping the sand unfurled themselves along the shore that extended as far as the eye could see, but where land began, it was limited by the downs which separated it from the "Swamp," a large meadow shaped like a hippodrome.

"We'll take it I'm right," pursued Lanpher, lapping his tongue round the words as though they possessed taste and that taste pleasant.

I had been down to the bar lapping up a few drinks and pretty soon a band comes up the street.

I was seated in a secluded corner of the ladies' waiting room of the Annex, and he came up and asked me if I didn't want to step in the Pompeian room and hear the waters of the fountain lapping up against the marble.

I told him I much preferred to be up against a bottle of wine and do the lapping myself.

To sit and listen to the lapping of the watersand booze.

He slipped down backwards into the bath and lay with the water lapping round his black head.

I am no fastidious King Charles, but I dislike, I tell you, being referred to as His Whiskers!Oh, to be gone, escape, follow the heels of some poor shepherd without a crust in his wallet, but at least, at evening drinking from the glassy pond, to haveoh, better than all marrow-bones!the fresh illusion of lapping up the stars!

As the great sobbing fulness of the sea Fills to the throat some void and aching cave, Till all its hollows tremble silently, Pressed with sweet weight of softly-lapping wave: So kissed those mighty lovers glad and brave.

As two within a boat On the wide sea we sat at talk, the hours Lapping unheeded round us as the waves.

Their boat had suddenly dropped behind until its nose was barely lapping the rival shell.

The cat, for some reason, wished the saucer to be set upon the floor; and Veronica still bent down, until it sprang lightly upon the lower shelf, and began the slow and dainty operation of lapping the cream.

Still holding the cup on her knee, where Matilde could not possibly see it, she quietly fished the superfluous piece of sugar out with her teaspoon, and bending down again she deposited it in the saucer from which the cat was lapping the last drops of cream.

The flanks of the Russian column, however, were lapping them in, and it seemed that the little body would be annihilated, when the 4th and 5th Dragoon Guards, forming the second line of the Heavy Brigade, burst upon them like a torrent.

I seemed to hear again, all at once, the lapping of the water Sunday morning as it began to come in over the door-sill; the sound of Terry ripping up the parlor carpet, and Mrs. Ladley calling me a she-devil in the next room, in reply to this very voice.

The sound of the water gurgling and lapping by was so soothing that I began to doze.

Then for a year or two he lived on his laurels, lapping up admiration like a drunkard in his cups.

'If you can picture our house nestling below this small hill on a long stretch of black sand, with many tons of provision cases ranged in neat blocks in front of it and the sea lapping the icefoot below, you will have some idea of our immediate vicinity.

" I heard the ripple washing in the reeds And the wild water lapping on the crag.

Toward evening the tide turned again and the truant waters came back, lapping once more the sides of our boat.

The purposeful deliberation with which the woman finished her work; the dead silence about us, broken only by an occasional faint lapping of the river against its bank; the knowledge that this was a deed of revengeall these things produced a mental state in me which was as near to the awful as ever I approached it.

There was deep stillnessunbroken, save by the lapping and plashing waters.

"Water, water!" was the only intelligible cry that left her lips, and that we had to give was warm and brackish, from the occasional lapping of the sea against the barrels, into which it oozed insensibly.

" We had been washed from our little platform, which ordinarily lifted us above the lapping of the sea during the prevalence of the stormand we regained it now, glad to repose even on the sea-soaked mattresses bereft of awning.

2159 examples of  lapping  in sentences