11613 examples of mistake in sentences

But it would be a great mistake to suppose that this kind of self-indulgence was characteristic of the average Roman life of this age.

" Even good scholars used formerly to make the mistake of supposing that Caesar, a man habitually abstemious, or at least temperate, had made up his mind to over-eat himself on this occasion, as he was intending to take an emetic afterwards.

All these opportunities of damage to the fibre of the people had been freely accepted, and with the result that in the age of Cicero we cannot mistake the signs and symptoms of degeneracy.

But it would be a mistake to jump to the conclusion that this degeneracy had as yet gone too far to be arrested.

Are you quite sure you made no mistake, child?

"It is a shame and a mistake to keep you so in ignorance!"

The luncheon-basket was packed with twice the usual quantity of sandwiches, into which Mammy slyly tucked a small paper of sweet things as a sort of comforter, with repeated injunctions to Henry not to make a mistake and confiscate them for his own private use.

We are told that Sancho left his wallet by mistake at the tavern where he was blanket-tossed (ch. 5), but in ch. 9, when he found the portmanteau, "he crammed the gold and linen into his wallet.

But Gabinius, one of the consuls, at once called a public meeting, and warned the people not to make the mistake of thinking that the Senate was Rome.

On closer inspection it appeared that he had caught hold of his own tail by mistake, and was bringing it to land in triumph.

The mistake was soon explained, and the representative of the Press was bowed out as quickly as he had come in.

Hume, in his History of England, has made a singular mistake with regard to this date: he says "two days afterwards," and quotes Strype as his authority, while that author, who fully investigated the subject, says, "she died on Wednesday night, the twenty-fourth.

It was in effect a frank apology that I wanted, but I knew him too well to suppose he would ever consent to make an apology in words, or to admit to me that he had made a mistake; and I left the solution in my mother's hands, with the understanding that the definite promise should be made to her, and I knew too that this would hold him as completely as if made to a public authority.

But the first mistake was my own.

Bryant was held to be a cold man, not only in his poetry, but in his personal relations; but I think that, so far as his personality was concerned, this was a mistake.

But Mr. N. BLOOMFIELD discover'd and immediately communicated the mistake as to the Day.

I daresay it would be a mistake, after a fashion, too.

I told him that he was making a great mistake in the attitude he was taking toward the heirs, but he coolly informed me that it was best to eradicate all danger of the plague by destroying the germs, so to speak.

Thenthen there can be no mistake!

The sea had so far gone down as to render the breakers much less formidable to the eye, than when it was blowing more heavily; but this very circumstance made it impossible to mistake their positions.

It was indispensable in such a navigation to make no mistake, and Mark enjoined the utmost vigilance on his friend.

"Were you not affrighted, and did you not mistake a spirit for a body?"Bp.

"I made a mistake when I united my life with hers, but I should not be unhappy, for my error was not my fault.

As to the stimulants, make no mistake and jump to no hasty conclusions.

But he fell into bad odours at hands of Mr. Spensonly owing to folly of bribing-fellow sending cash to office and the letter getting into Mr. Spensonly's post-bag and opening by mistake.

11613 examples of  mistake  in sentences