18 examples of mofussil in sentences

Planter Life in the Mofussil, or country districts of India; to tell them of our hunting, shooting, fishing, and other amusements; to describe our work, our play, and matter-of-fact incidents in our daily life; to describe the natives as they appear to us in our intimate every-day dealings with them; to illustrate their manners, customs, dispositions, observances and sayings, so far as these bear on our own social life.

That my dear old planter friends may have as kindly recollections of 'the Maori' as he has of them, is what I ardently hope; that I may yet get back to share in the sports, pastimes, joys, and social delights of Mofussil life in India, is what I chiefly desire.

and we start for the Mofussil and the Simple Life.

The Mofussil, I may remark in passing, is not, as at first I thought, some sort of prophet, but means simply the country districts.

Boggley has been in the Mofussil for three days, and I have been staying with the Townleys.

Mrs. Ormonde, who is so nervous that if a cracker goes off in her hearing she thinks it is another Mutiny, is anxious that we should take guns with us into the Mofussil in case we are attacked.

Lining the walls of the room were tall glass cases filled with tinned meats, jam, biscuits, and other eatables, for in the Mofussil provisions are bought at the railway stations.

It was only the second Mofussil bungalow I had seen.

They are damp, and far from clean; but one learns to put up with a lot in the Mofussil, and in a very short time we had forgotten our troubles in sleep.

I find the Mofussil is simply full of nice people.

As we live almost entirely on fowls in the Mofussil, the moorghy-khana is a most important feature of the establishment; but just now, I regret to say, owing to a moorghy famine in the district, the stock is at a somewhat low ebb.

We have to get letters away by Tuesday from the Mofussil instead of Thursday as in Calcutta.

The punkahs go all daynot the flapping kind of Mofussil punkahs, but things like bits of windmills fastened to poles.

As usual in the mofussil of India, he was going out to dine and sleep, and his bearer had put up his clothes and his suit case was stowed into the dog-cart.

I hadn't reckoned that joining a fledgling nay, nascent publication as its Staff Reporter, with added responsibility of news-gathering in South Goa (which meant re-writing copy from mofussil correspondents who largely hailed from a vernacular background) would be so engrossing an affair that I ended up sending not a single Response Sheet to the Institute of Company Secretaries of India!]

So the big stories in Goa are buried in two-para dispatches from the mofussils.

My dilemma was, how might I convey this to urban-bred news editors who have little tolerance for a mofussil correspondent's rural romanticism, as they saw it?

I have heard the breezes rustle O'er a precipice of pines, And the half of a Mofussil Shiver at a jackal's whines.

18 examples of  mofussil  in sentences