35 examples of occultism in sentences

Almost can I look back and see, in that moment of occultism, a warning, an enlightenmentBut the point is, it meant something to me then.

The march of mind and honest investigation will bring the hour when the people will chain, with fetters of some sort, the growing occultism of this period.

The reference here is doubtless to a birth-mark in the form of a cross, which would indicate a special aptitude for thaumaturgy or occultism.

" "I want to tell you that I and Bubbles' father very much regret her going in for all thatthat occultism, I believe it's called.

" "And that result?" "was that what I prefer to call by the old term of occultism makes for evil rather than for good.

First steps in practical occultism.

First steps in practical occultism.

An outline of modern occultism.

First steps in practical occultism.

First steps in practical occultism.

An outline of modern occultism.

" Whatever may be the precise force of the remark in brackets, it is unquestionably true that mysticism is often used in a semi-contemptuous way to denote vaguely any kind of occultism or spiritualism, or any specially curious or fantastic views about God and the universe.

There is much, however, today which points to our coming to such perception as the natural result of our evolution and quite apart from geometrical abstractions or occultism.

I needed to sound yet more deeply the depths of human misery, to hear yet more loudly the moaning of "the great Orphan," Humanity, to feel yet more keenly the lack of wider knowledge and of clearer light if I were to give effective help to man, ere I could bow my pride to crave admittance as pupil to the School of Occultism, ere I could put aside my prejudices and study the Science of the Soul.

They discussed the phenomena of occultism and the Beyond.

While the opinion or views of persons of this class are, of course, beneath the serious concern of any true student of occultism, nevertheless the mental attitude of such persons are worthy of our passing consideration, inasmuch as it serves to give us an object lesson regarding the childlike attitude of the average so-called "practical" persons regarding the matter of the evidence of the senses.

The human aura, as all students of occultism know, is that peculiar emanation of astral vibrations that extends from each living human being, surrounding him in an egg-shaped form for a distance of two to three feet on all sides.

He says: "It would be well for all students to bear in mind that occultism is the apotheosis of common-sense, and that every vision that comes to them is not necessarily a picture from the Akashic Records, nor every experience a revelation from on high.

While I cannot hope to make this matter absolutely clear to the person who is not an advanced student of occultism, still I shall try to throw at least some light on the underlying principles of this wonderful class of occult phenomena.

There is much confusion existing in the minds of the average students of occultism concerning the distinction between astral visioning by means of the astral senses in clairvoyance, and the visioning of the astral senses during the travels of the astral body away from the physical body.

Learn to add, multiply, subtract and divide, before you undertake the higher mathematics, algebra, geometry, etc., of occultism.

It is a great principle of occultism, as well as of modern science, that everything is in a state of vibrationeverything has its own rate of vibration, and is constantly manifesting it.

In Europe and America there are teachers of a low form of occultism who instruct their pupils in the art of producing induced mental states in the minds of others, for purposes of financial gain or other selfish ends.

The advanced student of occultism knows that each and every one of us is really a creator of his own circumstances, environment and conditions, to a great extent.

Long years before his birth, upon the appearance of the comet of 1577, Tycho Brahe, the astronomer, who was deep in the occultism of his day, had predicted that a prince would appear in Finland who would do great things in Germany and deliver the Protestant peoples from the oppression of the popes, and the prophecy was applied to Gustav Adolf by his subjects all through his life.

35 examples of  occultism  in sentences