112 examples of pennon in sentences

But his master, like a man of stone, stared at that long gray pennon in the sky.

For the gray pennon was going round the other side of the island, and the Boy was losing the boat to Dawson.

"Then will I ride with him, to share his deeds and glory mayhap, Sir SmithI and all the ten-score lusty fellows that muster to my pennon, since in the air is whispered talk of war, and Sir Benedict lieth ready in Thrasfordham Keep.

Now whiles they sat thus in talk, up rose the sun, before whose joyous beams the stealthy mists slunk away little by little, until Beltane beheld Duke Ivo's mighty camplong lines of tents gay with fluttering pennon and gonfalon, of huts and booths set well out of bowshot behind the works of contravallationstout palisades and barriers with earthworks very goodly and strong.

And his right arm was sleeved in cloth Of tawny lion's hue, And at his lance-head, lifted high, A Turkish pennon flew.

Beside it was planted the pennon of the glorious apostle St. James, and a great shout of "Santiago!

Steam was up; a faint dun-colored smoke swept, pennon-like, from her white funnels.

As they came nearer into the pathway of light that the pine blaze sent forth from the open door, something that looked like a pennon of gold streamed out, and a clear but rather shaken voice cried, "Lula, Lula, I've kept my promise; I've kept my promise!"

Wherever the great Paladin came, pennon and standard fell before him.

Then comes a crowd of burly navvies with pickaxes and barrows, and while hardly a wrinkle is made in the fading mother's face or a new curve of health in the blooming girl's, the hills are cut through or the breaches between them spanned, we choose our level and the white steam-pennon flies along it.

On the 16th December, when the gale abated, they discovered land near certain small rocks, sixty leagues from the harbour of St Blaze, and five leagues from the Pennon de la Cruz, where Diaz set up his last stone pillar, and fifteen leagues short of the Rio del Infante.

Cosimo gathered together what men he could rely upon in Florence, and when once his battle-banner was unfurled with the black pennon of his redoubtable father, numbers of old campaigners hastened to his support.

" Thus rang the dread tidings, from castle to hut, Through the length of Sir Burislav's land, As they spied the red pennon unfurled to the breeze, And the galleys that steered for the strand.

And far off cities, glittering with the pomp Of spire and pennon, laugh their joyance up In the deep flood of light.

The wind's last breath had tossed in air Pennon, and plaid, and plumage fair, The next but swept a lone hill-side, Where heath and fern were waving wide; The sun's last glance was glinted back, From spear and glaive, from targe and jack, The next, all unreflected, shone On bracken green and cold grey stone.

High on his pointed lance his pennon bore His Cretan fight, the conquer'd Minotaur: The soldiers shout around with generous rage, And in that victory their own presage.

He stood upon a sanded deck, With blood-red pennon floating free, And with a daring bloody band, Rode madly o'er the foaming sea.

Our blood-red pennon floated free, Our blood-stained deck its witness gave; Blood, human blood, was on our hands, And mingled oft with ocean's wave.

Come away, come away, hark to the summons! Come in your war array, gentles and commons. Come from deep glen and from mountain so rocky, The war-pipe and pennon are at Inverlochy.

Ensign Samson, who was the youngest subaltern in the regiment, ran out from the square and pulled down the hand-spike; but quick as a jack after a minnow, a lancer came flying over the ridge, and he made such a thrust from behind that not only his point but his pennon too came out between the second and third buttons of the lad's tunic.

The sacred Bhagirathi, adored by gods and Gandharvas gently runneth by, like a breeze-shaken pennon in the welkin.

Presently, however, the Dorade passed us with all her gay company, and speeding swiftly on her way, would have been out of sight in a few minutes, but for the windings of the river, which showed us her smoke like a pennon in the distance.

"Ha! ha!" laughed the more distant, lanky man, rocking himself in his saddle till the pennon on his lance shook and the point dipped towards his horse's ear.

No bugle peals, no pennon flies: Silent they sweep, and fail would swoop On Mosby with an Indian whoop.

These weapons are made of polished coconut-wood, eight to ten feet long, sharp at each end, and beautifully balanced, the thickest part being two-fifths of the distance from the point; one end was usually ornamented with a narrow strip of palm leaf, fluttering in the breeze like a pennon as usually carried.

112 examples of  pennon  in sentences