4 examples of pressings in sentences

It is procured not only by distilling the wine itself, but also by fermenting and distilling the marc, or residue of the pressings of the grape.

For it is made from the dried flowers of camomile to which the later pressings of the grape have been added.

Upon these, and many like reflections, I afterwards made it a certain rule with me, that whenever I found those secret hints or pressings of mind, to doing or not doing any thing that presented, or going this way or that way, I never failed to obey the secret dictate; though I knew no other reason for it than that such a pressure, or such a hint, hung upon my mind.

What sighs, what smiles, what pleasing tremors, what soft murmurings, what pressings of the hand and throbbings of the heart were there!

4 examples of  pressings  in sentences