10045 examples of proposes in sentences

The various branches of mental and moral science he proposes, in like manner, 'to hinge upon the New Testament, as constituting, in another line, the history of moral and intellectual development.' CHAPTER II. JAMAICA.

But if he says to me, 'I know that it would be wrong in me to do this as an official, but I do it in my private character,' I can have no discussion with him; because I deny that it is possible to establish any such distinction in the East, and I am inclined to distrust either the honesty or the intelligence of the man who proposes to act upon it.

Mrs. Mirvan proposes to spend the ensuing spring in London, whither for the first time my grandchild will accompany her, and it is their earnest wish that your amiable ward may share equally with her own daughter the care and attention of Mrs. Mirvan.

"The Board having heard from the Astronomer Royal that he proposes to terminate his connection with the Observatory on the 15th of August next, desire to record in the most emphatic manner their sense of the eminent services which he has rendered to Astronomy, to Navigation and the allied Sciences, throughout the long period of 45 years during which he has presided over the Royal Observatory.

The book supplies an accurate account of Emile Zola's exile in this country; but some matters I have treated briefly because he himself proposes to give the worldprobably in diary formsome impressions of his sojourn in England with a record of his feelings day by day whilst the great campaign in favour of the unfortunate Alfred Dreyfus was in progress.

He proposes that Goulburn should to-morrow give notice of his intention of explaining his views as to taxation on Monday week.

He likewise proposes lowering the duties on East and West India sugar, the former from 37s.

This he proposes to be a modified property tax, to apply to landed property, all fixed property, and the funds as well as all offices, but not to the profits of trade.

He thinks Cabell proposes doing more than should be done.

Charles Grant makes a proposition, and Goulburn proposes to modify his original proposition by suggesting the addition of 6d.

In addition to this he proposes lowering the duty on the inferior kinds of sugar.

Sir Robert Peel Proposes a Measure of Church Reform.

After that interesting event is over, he proposes to bring his wife home with him.

But Governor Wise no longer proposes to seize the Treasury at Washington,perhaps because Mr. Buchanan has left so little in it.

He proposes to go out with them, and has one or two notes to write before doing so.

He proposes the Central Park, and in this opinion all my friends concur.

But what parties are these, when the one proposes to itself to uphold the authority of the senate, the liberty of the Roman people, and the safety of the republic, while the other fixes its eyes on the slaughter of all good men, and on the partition of the city and of Italy.

But if any one is anxious and inclined to struggle for the leadershipthough struggle there ought to be nonehe acts very foolishly, if he proposes to combat virtue with vices.

He proposes to give the negro women of the South this right of suffrage, utterly unprepared as they are for it.

The amendment therefore proposes no alteration to the clause in this respect.

In spite of which rebuke, and at the risk of offending the readers of that patriotic organ, Mr. Punch proposes to go on saying just what he thinks of the Kaiser and his friends.

The price of tobacco, as we have seen, is becoming a serious matter, but Ireland proposes to grapple with the problem in her own way.

All she proposes to do is to purchase all the slaves in the United Statesout of her own fundsand ship them out of America.

"When a speaker addresseth himself to the understanding, he proposes the instruction of his hearers.

" "I have been talking to Maka about that," said the captain, "and he says that Cheditafa reports all sorts of necessary things in the Rackbirds' storehouse, and he proposes that he and the rest of the black fellows go down there and bring us some supplies.

10045 examples of  proposes  in sentences