312 examples of punctuation in sentences

[Transcriber's note: punctuation in original.

" [Fist][Oral exercises in punctuation should not be confined to the correction of errors.

"The modern punctuation in Latin is the same as in English.


"To punctuate correctly implies a thorough acquaintance with the meaning of words and phrases, as well as of all their corresponding connexions"W. Day's Punctuation, p. 31.

Pauses, whether in reading or in public discourse, ought always to be formed after the manner in which we naturally form them in ordinary, sensible conversation; and not after the stiff, artificial manner which many acquire at school, by a mere mechanical attention to the common punctuation.


2. What is Punctuation?

[Now, if you please, you may correct orally, according to the formules given, some or all of the various examples of False Punctuation, which are arranged under the rules for the Comma in Section First.]

[Now, if you please, you may correct orally, according to the formules given, some or all of the various examples of False Punctuation, which are arranged under the rules for the Semicolon in Section Second.]

[Now, if you please, you may correct orally, according to the formules given, some or all of the various examples of False Punctuation, which are arranged under the rules for the Colon in Section Third.]

[Now, if you please, you may correct orally, according to the formules given, some or all of the various examples of False Punctuation, which are arranged under the rules for the Period in Section Fourth.]

[Now, if you please, you may correct orally, according to the formules given, some or all of the various examples of False Punctuation, which are arranged under the rules for the Dash in Section Fifth.]

[Now, if you please, you may correct orally, according to the formules given, some or all of the various examples of False Punctuation, which are arranged under the rules for the Eroteme in Section Sixth.]

[Now, if you please, you may correct orally, according to the formules given, some or all of the various examples of False Punctuation, which are arranged under the rules for the Ecphoneme in Section Seventh.]

[Now, if you please, you may correct orally, according to the formules given, some or all of the various examples of False Punctuation, which are arranged under the rules for the Curves in Section Eighth.]

[Having correctly answered the foregoing questions, the pupil should be taught to apply the principles of punctuation; and, for this purpose, he may be required to read a portion of some accurately pointed book, or may be directed to turn to the Fourteenth Praxis, beginning on p. 821,and to assign a reason for every mark he finds.

[When the pupil can readily answer all the questions on Prosody, and apply the rules of punctuation to any composition in which the points are rightly inserted, he should write out the following exercises, supplying what is required, and correcting what is amiss.

"Wilson's Punctuation, p. 38.

"Wilson's Punctuation, p. 38.

"Wilson's Punctuation, p. 29.

'What I ought to be, an owl.'" Day's Punctuation, p. 139.

And pretty soon, after he went to school a little more and learned to spell better, to use punctuation marks the way the copy said, and capital letters even if you did have to reach for them, he, too, could swing onto the smoking car of the six-fifty-eightafter she had really startedand go off where gypsies went, and people that had learned good loose trades.

SEE Ward, C. H. M. O. S. book two: Punctuation skill.

Teacher's key to A dozen a day in spelling, punctuation and grammar.

312 examples of  punctuation  in sentences