4596 examples of quitted in sentences

I have allready quitted My selfe, my lord, of that which you call Treason, Which had in any here (he doing the like)

She left the train at Lewes, and there, in the presence of strangers, was married to George Cannon, who had quitted Brighton two days earlier and was supposed to be in London on business.

He had not been away five months, when the impatience for home came on him so strongly, that he quitted Montauban, where the Duke was residing, and made his way towards England by such conveyances as he could meet with; at one time in a courier's cart; at another, in the company of carriers who were travelling in Britanny.

In 1770 he quitted his seat there for a house which he purchased in Bath.

"You have quitted the ground upon which your national existence is founded.

We passed the night in a hut on the northern slope of the Manacagan, which the owner, on seeing us approach, had voluntarily quitted, and with his wife and child sought other lodgings.

He closed the door behind him softly, and Mr. Kybird, after a brief pause, opened it again and, more softly still, quitted the precincts of The Goblets, and stepped across the road to his emporium.

The hills at the back of this group of islands, which Commodore Baudin called L'Archipel Forestier, recede from the coast in the shape of an amphitheatre, which made me suppose that the coast trended in and formed a deep bay; but this still remains to be ascertained, and we quitted the place with much regret: for it unquestionably presented a far more interesting feature than any part that we had previously seen.

From the quantity of bamboo which was found scattered about the spot there was every reason to conclude it was the grave of a Malay; and according to the time of the Malay fleet's passing these islands last year, they would at this time have quitted it about three months, which will nearly agree with the appearance of the bones and the grave.

He laughed loudly, as though at a good joke, and I quitted him with compliments.

On what day he quitted that city, and whither he went immediately after his departure, is uncertain.

Meanwhile the Signory of Florence issued a decree of outlawry against thirteen citizens who had quitted the territory without leave.

Then they quitted the auditory, and some of the elders also accompanied them.

I strained my eye-sight greatly to see what they were doing, and this effort of mine affected them; wherefore one of them beckoned me, and I immediately quitted the house and came to them.

Then the elders in the orchestra turned their eyes towards the head master, who had proposed the problem, and who understood by their signs that they wished him to descend and teach the audience: so he instantly quitted the pulpit, passed through the auditory, and entered the desk, and there, stretching out his hand, he thus began: "Let me bespeak your attention: who does not believe the soul to be the inmost and most subtle essence of man?

Of all those who, in these later years, have quitted the Church of England for the Roman communion esteemed, honoured, and beloved, as were many of themno one, save Dr. Newman, appears to us to possess the rare gift of undoubted genius.

Rover, although used to play the truant, from the moment the little stranger entered the premises, never quitted us till he saw him fairly off.

I now quitted my profession, and, to set myself at once free from all importunities to resume it, changed my residence, and devoted the remaining part of my time to quiet and amusement.

I then sent an agent to inquire after him, who informed me, that he had quitted his house, and was gone with his family to reside for some time on his estate in Ireland.

Can he whom you so lately quitted muster fellows like these, to do his biddings?" The crew of the 'Dolphin' had been chosen, by one who thoroughly understood the character of a seaman, from among all the different people of the Christian world.

I will not ask you further of that adventure, Wilder; for favour, in my service, is not to be bought by treachery to that you have quitted.

They quitted Egypt from persecution, led by Dara'zi or Durzi, from whom the name Druse (1 syl.) is derived.

A six-months' longer experience of the country only confirmed my sister and myself in the conviction that we had in every way made a most desirable change when we quitted London for our small farm; but if we had been too fine or too indolent to look after our dairy and poultry-yard, I believe that our milk, butter, eggs, poultry, and pork, would have cost us quite as much as we could have purchased them for in town.

The speed of her flight admitted not of her depositing the jewels; but to me, who have been her inseparable companion since she quitted your roof, she intrusted the return of them; which the precipitate measures of this gentleman (pointing to the Officer) alone prevented.

When the company had quitted the castle, Matilda bethought herself of Theodore, who had been placed hastily in confinement.

4596 examples of  quitted  in sentences